2 Feb, 2016

Sunset Romantic Dinner


I already showed you in my Thailand vlog that evening when my boyfriend decided to surprise me with a super romantic dinner by the beach. It was a really spectacular sunset dinner, with sound of ocean and beautiful sky colour.

Our food was cooked outside at Trisara beach, we had a table in the middle of secluded beach and it was really more than I could ever dream of.

The menu was delicious, I was really happy to have a break from Thai cousine, so opted for good old Italian/Mediterranean and some grilled salmon. I tried to take few atmosphere photos, so you guys can also enjoy it. Let me know your thought on this? Are you quite a romantic person yourself, or do you not like these things? I am interested to hear!

Vec sam vam pokazala u vlogu sa Tajlanda romanticno vece koje je pripremio moj decko. Veoma romanticna vecera na plazi uz pogled na zalazak sunca i zvuke okeana bila je sve sto sam zelela.

Kuvari su spremili hranu na otvorenom i donosili nam razne specijalitete Mediteranske kuhinje, sto je za mene bilo ogromno olaksanje, jer mi je Thai hrana vec pomalo dosadila.

Pokusali smo da ugrabimo par trenutaka kako bismo vam docarali atmosferu. Da li ste i vi romanticni po prirodi? Ili mozda ipak ne volite ovakve dogadjaje? Jako me zanima vase misljenje o svemu ovome!


I asked my boyfriend what to wear, because I wasnt sure what arrow getting ready for. Is it an adventure? Is it a fancy place? I already had this light dress, on and he said it was perfect. Thinking about it now I wish I had a maxi dress on or something dreamy, but the bare back detail was perfect for the occasion.

Even though the dinner was very romantic and nice, in terms of spending time together, we still count skip the photo opportunity. I wanted to document it for my own memory and for you guys. How do you like the dress? And hair detail? I love cute hair bands I think they can freshen up any look.

Posto nisam znala gde idemo, pitala sam decka sta da obucem, a on me je u muskom stilu pogledao i rekao:”Super si bas tako obucena.”. Sada kada gledam slike volela bih da sam imala neku romanticnu, dugacku haljinu. Ali jednostavno nisam znala da li idemo u neku setnju, obilazak ili veceru na daljem mestu pa nisam eksperimentisala.

Iako je vecera bila romanticna u smislu da je bilo lepo provesti zajednicko vreme, aparat je ipak posao sa nama. Posto ni meni ni njemu slikanje ne predstavlja problem, za 5minuta smo uslikali nekoliko fotografija za uspomenu, a i za blog. Kako vam se dopada haljina? I detalj na kosi? Obozavam ovakve detalje jer uvek osveze kombinaciju!