14 Feb, 2016

NYFW Day 1

Photo by: PhillipVN

New York in February just isn’t as much fun.The temperature is very much below zero and since I love winter clothing its not really difficult the wrap up. The difficult part is that my hands and face are always exposed to harsh wind and low temperature which always results in so much discomfort. However, fashion week is only twice a year, so I really cannot complain, right?

The city is just beautiful in every season, and I love the energy and the vibe that fashion week gives me. Its nice to be back in this type of schedule again, to see my blogger friends from all around the world and to get inspired by amazing clothes on the catwalk.

For day one of NYFW I decided to wear some winter pastels and this full PINKO outfit. You guys know how much I love PINKO, how much the brand suits me, and as soon as I saw this gorgeous Blue poncho and the white trousers I knew that was it. Under the poncho there are 5 more layers of clothes, but I just couldn’t even reveal them how cold I was. For the accessories I opted for this new Jimmy Choo bag and Stuart Weitzman boots. How do you like this look? Are you also loving these huge blanker like ponchos?

Njujork u februaru zaista nije zabavan. Temperatura je uvek ispod nule, ali posto ja volim zimsku odecu to i nije neki problem. Problem u prici je to sto su mi ruke i lice uvek izlozeni vetru i niskoj temperaturi, sto je zaista neprijatan osecaj. Ipak, fashion week je samo dva puta godisnje, pa se zaista ne mogu pozaliti.

Ovaj grad je prelep bez obzira u koje godisnje doba ga posetila.Energija i zivost nedelje mode me pokrecu. Volim da imam gust raspored, da idem sa revije na reviju i da nakon par meseci opet vidim svoje prijatelje, blogere koji uvek izgledaju savrseno. Inspiracija na svakom cosku.

Za prvi dan NYFW odlucila sam se za zimsku pastelnu kombinaciju. Potpuni PINKO outfit. I sami znate koliko volim ovaj brend, koliko ga rado nosim i cim sam ugledala ovaj plavi ponco i bele pantalone, to je bilo to. Ispod ovog ponca imam jos 5 slojeva odece, ali nisam mogla ni da pomislim da vam to pokazem koliko je hladno bilo. Od detalja sam ponela novu Jimmy Choo torbu i Stuart Weitzman cizme. Kako vam se dopada? Da li i vi volite ovakve ogrtace koji su kao jedno veliko cebe?