13 Feb, 2016

My Travel Skin Care Heros

My Skin

As much as travelling enriches my soul and makes me excited every single time I am about to get on that plain or train, I still must admit it can be difficult to have a good healthy routine when travelling.
Without sounding braggy I would like to say that I finally feel like an experienced traveller, I am so much better at packing, at maintaining healthy diet, at working out and even at doing all the beauty routine while travelling.

At first it was difficult to do so, because I would have to pack so much just to stick to my routine. Gym kit, numerous creams, moisturisers, face masks, all of these products that could take up so much space when travelling, so I would pack travel sized products that I don’t really use when at home.

Now that has changed. I discovered few great products that are always coming with me, because those 5 are so gentle and good to my skin when travelling, so I am gonna talk to you about this Skin Super Heros

Iako putovanja obogacuju moju dusu i cine me uzbudjenom svaki put kada udjem u voz ili avion, ipak moram priznati da je tesko odrzavati zdravu rutinu na putovanjima.

Ne zelim da zvucim prepotentno ali mislim da sam konacno iskusan putnik, bolja sam u pakovanju, bolje se hranim na putovanjima, vise vezbam i odrzavam svoju beauty routinu i kada nisam kod kuce.

U pocetku je sve ovo bilo tesko, jer bih spakovala toliko toga u kofer samo da bih imala sve sto mi je potrebno. Oprema za teretanu, brojne kreme, maske zalice, proizvodi koji zauzimaju mnogo mesta, pa bi ih zamenila sa nekim manjim koje inace ne koristim i tako poremetila rutinu.

Sada se sve to promenilo. Konacno sam se uhodala i imam 5 proizvoda koji svugde idu sa mnom, jer su blagi i odlicni za putovanje. Tako da cu vam danas pricati o mojim omiljenim proizvodima za kozu lica.

La Mer Soft Cream

This moisturiser is what I ALWAYS end up coming back to. No matter what I tried, I always realised that the beautiful texture or this cream and its moisturising properties are what my skin loves. When I apply a moisturiser on my skin, I like it to leave a very smooth and slightly dewy finish, I don’t like moisturisers that are just sitting on the skin or the ones that dry off leaving a strange film.

The scent of La Mer Soft Cream is very gentle, yet makes a difference since its beautiful. Before I invested in this cream for the first time ever I tried a tester which made me crazy about it. Now I have this baby in all sizes, from travel to big one and really refuse to go anywhere without it.

Ovo je hidrantna krema kojoj se uvek vracam. Bez obzira sta probala moja koza najvise voli teksturu i hidrantna svojstva ove kreme.  Kada je nanesem, odmah osetim umirujuce dejstvo na licu,a ukoliko je apliciram uvece, ujutru koza mi je i dalje nezna i zategnuta. Ne volim kreme koje su premasne ili kreme koje nece da se upiju, kao ni one koje se nekako osuse na licu i ostave cudan, svileni film.

Miris La Mer Soft Cream proizvoda je veoma nezan ali ipak za ceo uzitak u koriscenju jako bitan. Pre nego sto sam ulozila svoj novac prvi put u ovu kremu, probala sam tester, nakon cega sam shvatila zasto je moram imati. Sada je imam u svim velicinama, od putne do velike i zaista odbijam da odem bilo gde bez nje.

La Mer Renewal Oil

No matter if you have a dry or oily skin, face oil can be really re-balancing. I very recently discovered this miracle in a bottle also known as La Mer Renewal Oil. This dual-phase elixir turns into a beautifully gliding oil when shaken. It helps with breakouts, dehydration lines and I always without an exception apply this on the long haul flights.

It doesn’t stop just here. Due to its amazing moisturising properties I really enjoy using this oil for various different things. Its great for cuticles, dry hair ends or any dry patches on my body.

This beautiful oil gives my skin glow and reduces appearance of any fine lines or wrinkles. Its extremely soothing and I am convinced it repairs my skin from all the damaging effects of the sun. Since I am a huge fan of sunbathing, I never miss applying it at night after tanning session on holidays is done.

Bez obzira da li imate suvu ili masnu kozu, ulje za lice je jako bitno jer balansira hidrataciju koze. Skoro sam otkrila ovo cudo u bocici koje se zove La Mer Renewal Oil. Tecnost u dve faze pretvori se u lagano ulje kada je dobro promuckate. Veoma se lagano nanosi na lice. Pomaze mi tako sto umiruje iznenadne buljuce, umanjuje bore koje nastaju kao posledica dehidratacije i ja ga zato koristim bez izuzetka na svim letovima.

Prica o ulju se ne zaustavlja ovde, posto je jako bogato i hidrirajuce koristim ga i na zanokticama, krajevima kose ili bilo kojim suvim delovima tela.

Ovo ulje cini moju kozu sjajnijom, lepsom i zategnutijom. Veoma je umirujuce i ja sam ubedjena da popravlja ostecene celije na mom licu. Uvek ga nosim sa sobom kada idem na tople destinacije jer mi zaista prija kada ga nanesem na lice posle suncanja.

Givenchy SkinCare Super Stars

To be very honest I wasnt aware of Givenchy’s skincare range. I always loved browsing through the brands makeup, particularly bronzers, blushes and lipsticks, but this range totally changed my routine.

There are two products I absolutely can not live without, and they are total hero when it comes to travelling.

1.Givenchy Hydra Sparkling Fresh and Fast Masks

This products is so great that I totally don’t care I look like a zombie when I use it on he plane. the masks look like pack of wet wipes which makes them super portable and easy to use. You pull out one tissue-face mask and apply it on the clean face. I am not exaggerating when I say that you can feel your skin tissue getting hydrated. This products really helps me on long haul flights and i don’t use it only when travelling. I also use it after days of heavy makeup wearing, after days in London, where there is a lot of pollution and just in general when in need of extra moisture and radiance.

2.Givenchy Hydra Sparkling Twinkling Eyes

When you apply this product around your eyes you can feel the cooling and tingling sensation. besides that it reduces puffiness. I don’t particularly suffer from dark circles, but I can get really puffy eyes if I didt sleep enough, this is when this gel helps a lot. No more fatigue :)

Iskreno da vam kazem nisam bila upoznata sa Givechy proizvodima za negu lica. Ovaj brend mi je bio odlican kada bih pozelela novo rumenilo, bronzer ili karmin, ali otkrice preparativne kozmetike mi je promenilo rutinu.

Imam dva proizvoda bez kojih ne mogu da zamislim putovanje.

1.Givenchy Hydra Sparkling Fresh and Fast Masks

Ovaj proizvod je toliko dobar da me bas briga ako izgledam kao zombi kada ga koristim u avionu. Maske su u vidu velikih maramica natopljenih tecnoscu koje stavite na lice i bukvalno instantno osetite hidrataciju koju pruza. Ovaj proizvod izvuce moju kozu iz problema svaki put kada letim dugo. Reciklirani vazduh u avionu mi ne prija ali ovo zastiti moju kozu od tih nezeljenih dejstava.

2.Givenchy Hydra Sparkling Twinkling Eyes

Kada nanesete ovaj gel, istog momenta mozete osetiti hladeci efekat i cirkulaciju oko ociju. Osim toga umanjuje natecenost oko ociju. Ja generalno ne patim od tamnih krugova ili kapilara, ali zato mi koza oko ociju natekne ako ne spavam dan-dva. Ovo je tada jedini spas.

Guerlain Super Aqua-Sérum

Last but very important is this Guerlain Super Aqua-Sérum that I love using when my skin looks and feels dehydrated. I naturally have dry skin, and that is what can sometimes give me breakouts. If I don’t moisturise enough lines on my forehead appear and my smile lines are more prominent. This removes those dehydration lines like a magic wand. This serum aids the water flow within your cells, and makes your skin plumper and more luminous which is always a plus for me, specially before and after long photoshoots.

Poslednji, ali veoma bitan proizvod je Guerlain Super Aqua-Sérum koji obozavam pogotovo kada mi koza lica izgleda suvo. Prirodno imam suvu kozu i to ponekad moze izazvati bubuljice. Ukoliko ne hidriram lice dovoljno na celu mi se pojavi jedna bora, kao i bore oko ociju od smejanja.Ovaj serum to sve ukloni kao carobni stapic. Kada ga koristim koza mi je nekako sjajna, glatka i sminka se nanosi lepse. Obozavam da koristim ovaj serum pogotovo pre i posle dugih slikanja.