Photo by amazing EllaH Photography
Most exciting show of LFW is always on Monday, and for me its definitely Burberry. They really know how to throw a good show, and to be honest its something I often look forward to the whole week. Yet another time the show and the atmosphere were spectacular, leaving me feel inspired and happy to be able to have such an experience.
I must say once Burberry is over I feel that LFW is basically coming to an end and already start getting into the mind frame for Milan. Basically during fashion week your mind is ever at one place, once you arrive to one show your mind slowly starts thinking whats next on the schedule. But that is why I sleep like a baby at night :)
Najuzbudljivija revija LFW je uvek u ponedeljak, a za mene je to Burberry. Ovaj brend zaista zna kako da pripremi izvanredanu reviju, a da budem iskrena nesto je cemu se mnogo radujem. I ovaj put atmosfera i ziva muzika ulepsali su spektakl, zbog cega sam se osecala inspirisanom i zahvalnom na takvom iskustvu.
Moram reci da onog trenutka kada se svetla upale I Burberry revija zavrsi ja vec planiram Milano. Za vreme svake nedelje mode misli su vam u sledecem gradu. Kada stignete na jednu reviju razmisljate o sledecoj i tako. Ipak, zahvaljujuci ovome nocu spavam kao beba :)

When it comes to outfit, I wasn’t in two minds at all. This skirt looks so good and so expensive even though its a high street brand,and I thought it would be perfect, as I love finding pieces like that, made of great material, that fit well and don’t break the bank. I decided to pair it with a coat that as soon as I saw I knew it looks like a twin separated at birth from the skirt. Even though they are not the same brand they look fab together. Do you agree?
Since I broke a heel on my Louboutans day before I had to wear these booties as a back up plan. I must say they are extremely comfy and caught a lot of attention. This look is one of my favourite, because skirt, coat and heels are all high street but look really good, which just shows that you don’t need unlimited amount of money to look put together. What do you think?
Kada je rec o outfitu bilo je sve jasno kao dan. Ova suknja mi je odavno zapala za oko i mislim da izgleda odlicno i skupoceno iako nije brendirana. Obozavam da pronalazim komade koji su napravljeni od kvalitetnog materijala, kasmira,koze, pamuka, a nisu skupi. Odlucila sam da je kombinujem sa kaputom koji je drugog brenda, ali cim sam ga ugledala pomislila sam kako su suknja i kaput blizanci rastavljeni na rodjenju. Takodje pristupacan komac koji odlicno izgleda. Kako vam se cini?
Posto sam dan pre slomila stiklu na Lobutinkama morala sam obuci ove cizme kao plan b. Veoma su udobne i zanimljive. Ovo je moja omiljena kombinacija, jer su suknja, kaput i stikle veoma pristupacne ali izgledaju super sto znaci da vm ne treba mnogo novaca kako biste izgledalo odlicno. Sta vi mislite?