Fashion Week atmosphere really keeps me going. So far I saw numerous shows which inspired me so much, and somehow feel really fuelled with fashion energy to keep going whole month.
So far shows which really impressed me were: Victoria Beckham, Moncler, Tommy Hilfiger, 3.1Phillip Lim and Tibi. There are so many pieces which I already know I want for the next season, and even though most of us are excited to get rid of winter clothes and coats, they are exactly what is currently on my mind.
Atomosfera oko nedelje mode me uvek tera da radim i zelim jos. Za sada me brojne revije koje sam videla izuzetno inspirisu i nekako sam puna energije i spremna za ovaj mesec.
Do sada su mi se najvise dopale revije dizajnera: Victoria Beckham, Moncler, Tommy Hilfiger, 3.1Phillip Lim i Tibi. Videla sam mnogo komada koje vec zelim za sledecu sezonui iako se vecina nas raduje letnjem periodu, ja ipak na listi zelja imam gomilu kaputa.

I think that there is nothing prettier than winter whites. The crispy cold wind outside urged for this gorgeous Fendi Shearling coat. To date I definitely have not discovered another brand that is as good at making outerwear. Coats, gilts, jackets, Fendi really never disappoints.
As everything in this look is white and pretty classic, I opted for statement pair of sunglasses. These sunnies caught my attention last Milan Fashion Week when I spotted them at the Jimmy Choo presentation.Its been 6 months and I haven’t stopped thinking about them. They are a very special model in celebration of brand’s 20year anniversary. I was so happy when I finally had them in my hand (or on my face if you will).
Of course that grey details were a must have. After all I decided to keep it really neutral this time.
Mislim da nema niceg lepseg od bele odevne kombinacije zimi. Ostar, hladan vazduh napolju zahtevao je da obucem ovaj mekani Fendi kaput. Do danas nisam otkrila brend koji toliko dobro, kao Fendi dizajnira i proizvodi kapute.
Posto je sve prilicno klasicno i obicno, odlucila sam se za par naocara koje imaju svoju pricu. Ugledala sam ih pre 6 meseci na nedelji mode u Milanu na Jimmy Choo prezentacij i od tada razmisljam o njima. U pitanju je poseban model koji je ovaj brend kreirao za 20godisnjicu svog postojanja. Bila sam jako srecna kada su konacno bile u mojoj ruci (ili na faci da budem preciznija).
Naravno da su sivi detaji bili neophodni. Ipak sam se odlucila za nesto svedenije ovaj put.