12 Feb, 2016

Getting Ready

With fashion week season starting this will be the last outfit post you will see before the ones I wear in New York. This colourful combination was perfect for the last day in London, I wore it to an event, and then for finishing off last bits and meetings for fashion week. Lately I didnt wear as much colour as I normally do, but rest assured that is slowly but surely coming back. I must say this day was pretty emotional, because I wasnt feeling super ready to leave the home for a month, but now that I am writing this to you from my NY hotel room I must say that every time we are out of comfort zone, we grow more than ever.

Kako je sezona nedelja mode konacno pocela, ovo je poslednja odevna kombinacija koju cete videti pre Njujorka. Sareni autfit savrsen za  dan u Londonu, odlican za sastanke ali i evente koje sam imala na rasporedu.  U poslednje vreme ne nosim toliko boje kao ranije, ali verujte mi to ce se brzo promeniti. Moram priznnati da mi je ovaj dan bio prilicno emotivan, jer nisam bila spremna da napustim svoju kucu na mesec dana, ipak dok vam pisem ovo iz hotelske sobe u Njujorku, zakljucujem da svaki put kada uradim nesto sto me navodi da izadjem iz svoje zone komforta, naucim nesto novo.


I know you love these Gordana Dimitrijevic shoes as much as I do, and to be honest they are everything you would want high heel to be, stylish, innovative and comfortable with a dose of casual glam. I wanted to mix them with these Paige Denim jeans and possibly touch of colour. The new Aspinal bag was a perfect accessory to complete the look, but also fits all of the necessities for me. The beautiful leather and detailing are what really caught my eye. How do you like it?

Znam da volite ove Gordana Dimitrijevic cipele koliko i ja, a da budem iskrena, mislim da zaista podrazumevaju sve ono sto mozete pozeleti od visokih stikli. Udobnost, lep dizajn, inovativnost i dozu glamura. Zelela sam da ih kombinujem sa Paige Denim farmericama i dodirom boje. Nova Aspinal torba idealna je da upotpuni kombinaciju, ali takodje savrsene velicine za sve moje potrepstine. Prelepa koza i jednostavni detalji su mi zaista zapali za oko. Kako vam se cini?