I never thought I would be the person writing this article, because if you ask my boyfriend or my sister the only policy they have for when I get stressed is “Run Away”. I am usually most stressed when I have really tight schedules or when I am overwhelmed with the amount of stuff I have to do, so that I keep forgetting things or doing jobs half good – which then makes me even more stressed. Yep its a viscous circle. And as fashion week is approaching and with that my most stressful time, I decided to write this post to motivate both you and me to be more zen.
1.Declutter your space
This is definitely one of the main reasons I get so stressed. There is about million and five items on my desk, I am sitting on few sweaters and typing on a keyboard which isn’t balanced because there is something under it. Why? Because I feel that I have to type this blog post urgently, or reply to that email immediately, but I am just getting really stressed and frustrated because that is now a healthy working environment. If you want to do the job and feel good doing it, make sure you declutter your space, make it presentable and your stress levels will be lover.
When I am overwhelmed and keep forgetting what is the 9th thing I have to do on the same day, I rely on lists. They put things into perspective make me understand better what I have to do and subsequently help me deliver all the tasks. I hate that feeling when at 11pm I remember that there was something else I have to do for the morning, thats why now, I write lists and avoid stress.
3.Reward System
When I have to work a lot and I get stressed about number of tasks or people chasing me up, I often set up a reward for myself. As stress is bad for your body, I try to reward myself with a massage day, or movie night in. I often tell myself when I do it all I can go to spa, gym or cinema and that relieves stress a bit, because I know that its not all that bad and it will soon get better.
4.Talk to a friend
When I feel like stress is really getting to me, to the point where I am crying, I always go to my sister. I tell her how I feel and after I have a little moan I immediately feel better. She then also asks me how can we fix the issue, or makes me realise that its actually not an elephant but just a fly – a tiny little problem which stress made seem so big in my head. When I feel I wasnt happy with a work I have done, I often talk to my friend Noor who also puts things into perspective for me and makes me feel better. Friends are heroes in these situations so rely on them
When you are super angry, stressed or overwhelmed everything in your body is misbalanced. Your organs suffer, because of the stress hormone (cortisol) that is creating a slightly tensed situation in your body haha, its stressing your organs out just like you might be stressing out people around you. Smiling – even if its forced and just to your lap top screen helps, its tricks your brain into thinking you aren’t stressed and that way you are putting your body in more calm state. If you can’t force yourself to laugh, watch a comedy, call a funny friend or just dance in front of a mirror, until you realise its not all that bad!
I really hope these tips will help you, I certainly will try to stick more to them, as a lot of stress is never good for your skin, body, health, and just general happiness. Remember every minute you spend being angry or stressed you lose out on 60 seconds of happiness!
Da mi je neko rekao da cu ja pisati ovaj tekst, ne bih mu verovala, jer ako pitate moju sestru ili decka najbolja njihova polisa u trenucima kada sam pod stresom je “Bezi!”. Inace sam najvise pod stresom kada imam gust raspored ili kada imam previse obaveza a nedovoljno vremena da ih obavim kako treba. Ponekad obavim poslove ali ne budu kvalitetni kao inace pa me to jos vise stresira. Kao neki zacarani krug. S obzirom da se fashion week sezona priblizava i to je mesec kada sam najvise pod stresom odlucila sam da naisem ovaj post i motivisem vas da budete vise zen.
1.Rascisti svoj radni prostor
Ovo je jedan od glavnih razloga zbog kog sam pod stresom. Imam oko milion stvari na stolu i sve sto trazim ne mogu naci. Sedim na dzemperu i kucam na tastaturi ispod koje je neka olovka pa ne stoji kako treba. Zasto? Zato sto osecam potrebu da brzo iskucam taj email, jako je hitno, ili moram odmah da izbacim novi post, nema vremena. Ali zapravo, sve sto radim je proizvodim nezdravu okolinu za rad. Ako zelite da odradite posao kako treba, rascistite prostor, neka izgleda lepo i to ce automatski umanjiti vas nivo stresa.
Kada imam previse na umu i zaboravljam koja je 9.stvar koju treba da uradim taj dan, oslanjam se na liste. Nekako stave stvari u perspektivu i pomocu njih bolje razumem sve sto treba da uradim. One mi pomazu da obavim sve sto moram i sve sto zelim. Najgori osecaj mi je kada se setim necega sto nisam uradila u 11 uvece a znam da to vec moram predati u 8 ujutru. Zato sada pisem liste i izbegavam stres.
3.Sistem Nagrade
Kada radim mnogo i pod stresom sam jer me ljudi jure zbog sto razlicitih projekata, cesto sama sebi ponudim neku nagradu. Posto je stres zaista los za um i telo, kazem sebi da cu ukoliko sve zavrsim i kada bude gotovo otici na masazu ili pogledati neki film kod kuce. Cesto se nagradim odlaskom u spa, teretanu ili bioskop i to me motivise, jer znam da ce stres kad tad proci i da cu uzivati u onome sto volim da radim.
4.Razgovarajte sa prijateljem
Kad god sam bas jako pod stresom, toliko da pocinjem da placem, uvek prvo odem kod sestre. Kazem joj kako se osecam i iskukam se, nakon cega se odmah osecam bolje. Ona mi onda na racionalan nacin pokaze kako mozemo resiti situaciju i ovo mi pomogne da uvidim da problem nije velicine slona vec muve, mali problem koji se u mojoj glavi, zbog stresa, cinio kao ogroman. Kada nisam zadovoljna nekim obavljenim poslom cesto pricam sa mojom drugaricom Noor koja me uvek oraspolozi. Prijatelji su zaista pravi heroji u ovim situacijama, zato se oslonite na njih!
5.Smejte se
Kada ste ljuti ili kod stresom ili optereceni mislima, vas organizam nije u prijatnoj situaciji. Organi takodje pate zbog stres hormona (kortisola) koji cini kreira prilicno zategnutu situaciju medju vasim organima haha, stresira ih dok rade, bas kao sto vi stresirate ljude oko sebe. Osmeh cak i ako je lazni moze da prevari vas mozak,koji ce misliti da ste srecni i samim tim vratiti organizam u bolje stanje. Ako ne mozete sebe naterati da se smejete, preporucujem vam da gledate neku komediju, pozovete duhovitog prijatelja ili igrate ispred ogledala, sve dok ne shvatite da zapravo nije sve tako lose.
Nadam se da ce vam ovaj tekst pomoci, ja cu pokusati da se pridrzavam vise svojih saveta, jer stres zaista lose utice na telo, um, zdravlje, lepotu i generalnu srecu. Setite se da svaki minut koji provedete pod stresom ili ljuti gubite 60 sekundi srece.