28 Jan, 2016

Phuket Town Sightseeing

Phuket Town

Phuket Town sightseeing was one of a kind experience. We had a wonderful tour full of interesting places, cultural moments and divine views.

After seeing Chino-Portuguese Houses and Old Town Phuket which was full of wonderful and colourful houses we headed to Chaithararam Temple – an incredible place where I wanted to learn more about Buddhism and Thai culture. You could see my impressions in the Phuket vlog. Next stop was Big Buddha statue which gracefully sits on top of the mountain. We had to walk a little bit for this one, and passed through a mini forest where monkeys happily live. For me this was such fun part of the tour. One of the monkeys even tried to steal my phone – I guess thats why they say “Cheeky Monkey”.

At this point it got very hot and humid, and we wanted to head to our last stop. It was a beautiful view point between Phuket and Patong. This is where I took most of photos, because the bay just looked mesmerising. On the way back we stopped at Patong to grab coffee and headed all the way to Trisara. I must admit that just this one day made me fall in love with Thai culture even more and made me a little bit curious to visit northern cities of Thailand. I guess it won’t be long before I go to Bangkok.

Iskusiti cari Puketa je nesto sto sam oduvek zelela doziveti. Nasa ruta je bila izpunjena zanimljivim mestima, kulturnim objektima i neverovatnim pogledima.

Nakon obilaska kinesko-portugalske cetvrti i starog dela Puketa koji je bio pun sarenih kucica, uputili smo se ka Chaithararam hramu. Ovo mesto naucilo me je vise u Budizmu kao religiji, a moje iskustvo mozete videti i u poslednjem vlogu. Sledeca stanica je bila statua velikog Bude koja graciozno sedi na vrhu planine. Prvo smo se do tamo morali popeti, a put je bio veoma zanimljiv. Kada smo dosli do skoro samog kraja naisli som na malu sumu koja je bila puna majmuna. Za mene je ovo bilo posebno iskustvo, jer iako su bili slatki, pokazali su se i kao nevaljali, pogotovo jedan koji je pokusao da mi ukrade telefon.

Tad je vec postalo vruce i kolicina vlage u vazduhu posebno je skocila. Uputili smo seka poslednjoj stanici. Prelepo mesto sa kojeg je pogled na zaliv zaista nezaboravan. Ovde sam zelela da slikam kombinaciju i zabelezim nekoliko trenutaka. Na putu nazad zaustavili smo se u Patongu, gde smo popili kafu i potom se vratili u Trisaru. Moram reci da je samo ovaj jedan dan bio dovoljan da se zaljubim u Thai kulturu i da pozelim posetiti i neke severne gradove poput Bangkoka.


Since we spent most of the day like nomads moving from one place to another, I knew I wanted to be comfortable. I went for a light but pretty dress by The JetSet Diaries, comfy sandals, straw hat and a small Chloé bag which fit enough but not too much – so it doesn’t get too heavy. These Fendi Orchidea sunglasses spiced up the whole look and as always made it a little bit more special. As always you can find links to these or similar pieces at the bottom of the post.

Posto smo skoro ceo dan proveli u pokretu, odlucila sam se za jednostavno i laganu kombinaciju. Udobnost mi je bila na prvom mestu, ali nisam htela da kompromisujem izgled, pa samo dabrala ovu haljinu brenda The JetSet Diaries. Udobne sandale, slameni sesir i mala Chloé torba u koju stane dovoljno, ali ne i previse kako ne bi bila preteska. Fendi Orchidea naocare su zacinile kombinaciju i ucinile je zanimljivijom. Kao i uvek linkove ka ovim ili slicnim stvarima mozete naci na dnu posta.