Beautiful Phuket sunset, something that is almost impossible to depict. Every evening right about 6:30pm we could enjoy in watching mix of all pastel colours moving around the sky in a most gentle and romantic way. I personally never thought I would be someone to enjoy sunsets or things like this in nature, but something changed lately which made me appreciate it more than ever.
Now that I am back in the office, sipping on coffee, and working for hours in a row with tons or rain at my window I really feel nostalgic about the precious time we spent in Thailand. I hope you like these photos, we tried to create a mood so that you can exactly imagine what it was like being there!
Zalazak sunca u Puketu, nesto sto ni slike ne mogu docarati. Svako vece oko 6:30 uzivali smo u mesanju svih pastelnih boja na nebu. Licno insam mislila da cu ikada biti neko ko se divi zalasku sunca ili slicnim dogadjajima u prirodi, ali se u poslednje vreme nesto promenilo zbog cega cenim ove trenutke vise nego ikad.
Sada dok sedim nazad u kancelariji, pijem kafu, slusam kisu na prozoru i gledam ove slike, osecam ogromnu nostalgiju. Nadam se da vam se slike dopadaju, potrudili smo da docaraju raspolozenje ne samo moju odevnu kombinaciju.
When it comes to the outfit its very simple. I brought one pair of wedges to Thailand, and of course never put them on. Lesson for the future- never bring heels or wedges to resort holidays, I did the same sort of mistake when going to Maldives, but somehow I always feel like Id rather have them – just in case:. You know in case of a special super important situation that is highly unlikely never to happen, yet I bring them. Maxi dress I thought to myself, maxi would be such a perfect piece to wear at a sunset and I found one very affordable, simple, with romantic detail at the back.
Don’t you love you maxi dresses and simple bare feet or flat sandals outfit looks “put together” at the beach, but maybe would require a lot more effort in the city. Oh well. To which it all up, I went for my favourite Fendi sunglasses which I seem to be wearing a lot lately. How do you like them?
Kada je rec o kombinaciji koju sam obukla kao sto vidite veoma je jednostavna. Ponela sam jedan par platformi na Tajland i naravno nikada ih nisam obula. Lekcija za buducnost – nikad ne nosi stikle ili platforme na ovakvu vrstu odmora, istu gresku napravila sam na Maldivima, ali jednostavno radije bih imala jedan par – za svaki slucaj. Znate u slucaju neke jako bitne situacije ili eventa koji se sigurno nece desiti, ali ipak, ja ih uredno nosim. Maxi haljina, pomislila sam, savrsena za plazu i zalazak sunca. Pronasla sam ovu, veoma pristupacnu sa romanticnim detaljem na ledjima.
Obozavam cinjenicu da na plazi maxi haljina i sandale izgledaju super, dok se za grad moram vise potruditi kako bih izgledala pristojno u ovoj kombinaciji. Zato sam odlucila da stavim moje omiljene Fendi naocare koje mnogo nosim u poslednje vreme. Kako vam se cine?