21 Jan, 2016

New Beginning

Welcome to the new Glam&Glitter

It almost feels surreal that this day has come! I am so pleased to welcome you to the new home to Glam&Glitter. Brand new design that will alow you to read posts, watch videos and follow all of my content more closely. I feel happy, excited, relieved and a little bit unready.
Why? Because I have been preparing for this day for over 6 months now. I got the idea, started working on structure, design, thinking of colours, fonts, composition…
And that was just the beginning. It took a while to find the right developer, someone who can do it efficiently and well enough. But we are at the finish line and I feel almost a little bit shy to show you the final product of this work.

Skoro mi je neverovatno da je ovaj dan zaista dosao! Jako sam srecna i ponosna da konacno mogu da otkrijem novi izgled Glam&Glitter sajts. Novi dizajn omogucice vam da citate postove, gledate videe i pratite sadrzaj sa svih platformi na jednom mestu. Srecna sam, uzbudjena, nekako cudno oslobodjena ali pomalo i stidljiva da vam pokazem novi izgled jer je nesto na cemu sam dugo radila. Zasto?

Zato sto sam mesecima planirala izgled, strukturu, boje, fontove, kompoziciju i slicnu… To je bio tek pocetak, posle toga sam trazila ko ce do sve da sastavi i napravi ovaj sajt. Stigli smo do kraja i zaista vam ne mogu ni opisati ceo proces i koliko sam sebe ulozila u ovaj novi dizajn.

So What's New?

You might have already noticed that the new Glam&Glitter looks totally different, but one thing I changed for the first time is the logo.

I feel like I grew a lot together with this website. I started it when I was a student, when my muses were different to those of today. Times have changed, I somehow think I stayed the same, apart from growing up (not to say old). The cleaner, more grown up look is the main difference on new website. As before, you can still browse gallery of my outfits in LOOKS section, but now you can do the same with beauty posts in a more obvious way, more clean if you click on BEAUTY bar in the menu.

Travel section is however something I am really proud of. You can browse the map of all of my trips, or click on each city name beneath. This should keep you occupied for hours.

One thing that is new and I think very important is that now G&G is running much better on your mobile phones. We adapted all the content to your electronic devices, such as tablets and smartphones, so you will never miss a post again – even on the go.

At the bottom of the page you can see my latest instagram images and watch my latest YouTube video. In the very footer of the blog you can find information such as Frequently Asked Questions and Disclaimer.

A new page in the menu bar is SHOP. Here you can shop my favourite beauty, fashion and random pieces. Stuff I just recently got, or items I am coveting for a long time. Besides that you can also shop my beauty favourites on the BEAUTY page, and same goes for LOOK section – there you can find my absolute favourite fashion items.

Mozda ste vec primatili ali Glam&Glitter izgleda totalno drugacije, ipak osim generalnog dizajna prva stvar koju smo promenili je logo.

Osecam da sam dosta odrasla s ovim sajtom. Pocela sam pisati blog za vreme studija, moja inspiracija i stil tada su bili dosta drugaciji. Vremena su se promenila ali ja sam manje vise ostala ista, osim sto sam odrasla (da ne kazem ostarila). Ovaj jednostavniji, zreliji izgled sajta je na neki nacin odraz toga.  Kao i ranije i sada mozete naci sve moje odevne kombinacije pregledno ako kliknete na LOOKS u meniju. Novost koju za vas imam je to da na isti nacin mozete proci i kroz moje savete u vezi sminke, lepote i nege ako kliknete na BEAUTY stranicu.

TRAVEL sekcija je ipak nesto na sta sam jako ponosna. Mozete pogledati mapu svih mojih putovanja, ili kliknuti na grad koji vas interesuje. Ovo vas moze drzati zausetim satima.

Ono sto je novo, a ja mislm izuzetno vazno, jeto da sada G&G izgleda mnogo bolje na mobilnim telefonima. Sav sadrzaj je prilagodjen vasim elektronskim uredjajima, kao sto su telefoni, tableti i slicno. Vise nikada ne morate propustiti post, cak i kada ste non stop u pokretu.

Na dnu stranice mozete videti moje najnovije instagram fotografije ili gledati najnoviji video na YouTube-u. Ako pogledate jos nize nacicete nekoliko korisnih stranica kao sto su Najcesca Pitanja (FAQ) i Disclaimer.

Nova stranica na mom blogu je SHOP. Ovde mozete proci kroz katalog mojih omiljenih proizvoda, od lepote i mode do nekih random komada. Osim toga svu kozmetiku koju trenutno koristim mozete kupiti i na BEAUTY stranici, a isto vazi i za modne komade na LOOKS strani.

What to expect?

You guys know I love to post a lot. I enjoy creating content and if you saw I didnt blog for a while, rest assured I did work. I created a lot of content for you, so now you can expect many more posts which will keep you busy (and me) for next few days or even weeks.

You can expect many beauty posts, outfits, trip reports and more. I really hope that new design is something you will love, because I truly do.

Thank you so much for your wonderful support and patience these last few days while I was working on it all. I am really curious to hear what you think and any feedback would mean the world to me.

Now lets all make a toast to new beginnings and I will let you browse the new page.

Znate da volim da pisem postove i da se trudim da budem sto redovnija. Mozda ste se zapitali sta se desava u poslednje vreme, ali ne brinite. Imam gomilu postova da podelim sa vama, samo sam cekala da novi dizajn bude aktivan.

U sledecih par dana a i nedelja, mozete ocekivati gomilu postova, kombinacija, putovanja i jos mnogo toga. Nadam se da je novi dizajn nesto sto vam se dopada, jer  sam ja jako zadovoljna njime.

Hvala vam za svu bezgranicnu podrsku i strpljenje poslednjih par dana dok sam radila na ovom projektu. Zaista me zanima kako vam se ovo cini i zato vas molim da u komentarima ostavite iskreno misljenje.

Sada mozemo da nazdravimo novom pocetku, a ja vas pustam da pregledate sve funkcije nove stranice.

Since this big project came to an end, I feel its perfect time to celebrate, and for that reason in this post you can see one of my latest celebratory looks – this stunning Fendi dress I recently wore in Interlaken paired with my favourite accessories. As in every other post you can shop all of the pieces I am mentioning in the post at the very bottom.

Posto je veliki projekat dosao do kraja, mislim da je vreme za slavlje, a povodom toga danas mozete videti upravo takvu kombinaciju – ovu prelepu Fendi haljinu koju sam skoro nosila u Interlakenu sa nekim od omiljenih detalja. Kao i u svakom drugom postu, na dnu mozete naci malu galeriju sa stvarima koje nosim i direktnim linkovima gde ih mozete kupiti.



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