Two more days until the end of the year and million and one thing to do. How did that happen? The only thing I know is that I am very excited as tomorrow I am travelling to Swiss mountains where I will spend the New Years Ever. The only other thing that I am super excited for is the early recap I write for you every 31st of December. So on the last year when you wake up, make sure to get straight here as you will have a long text and many photos which will sum up my feelings about the previous year. In the meanwhile this is a look that I tend to wear a lot lately, this SuperTrash coat is something I saw in January in Amsterdam when I went attended their show and couldn’t stop thinking about it ever since. Its finally mine and I refuse to take it off, hope you like it too?
Jos dva dana do kraja godine, dva dana a milion i jedna obaveza. Kako se to desilo? Jedino sto znam je da sam jako uzbudjena jer sutra putujem u Svajcarsku, gde cu u planinama proslaviti Novu godinu. Osim toga takodje sam uzbudjena i ovo velikog teksta koji vam pripremam za 31.12. Kao i svakegodine na ovaj dan osvrnucu se na poslednjih 365 dana i otvoriti vam svoje misli, pokazati neke slike i neke momente koji su za mene bili posebni. Kada ustanete na taj, poslednji dan u godini obavezno svratite na blog, jer ce vas taj post cekati ovde od ranog jutra. U medjuvremenu imate post i kombinaciju koju rado nosim u poslednje vreme. Ovaj SuperTrash kaput je nesto sto sam ugledala na njihovoj reviji u Amsterdamu proslog januara i od tada ne prestajem da mislim na njega. Konacno je moj i odbijam da ga skinem. Nadam se da se i vama dopada?
I wore: