My last day in Los Angeles involved visit to Santa Monica Beach and obligatory walk all the way to Venice. It was a beautiful day, and it was pretty surreal wearing denim shorts and a bikini in November. I loved walking around the beach, feeling the sand between my toes and eating ice cream while listening to sea, people and seagull songs mixing together. This stop really reminded me of Brighton, my current home, maybe because of the sea, maybe because of the pier, but it was just very natural and made me feel a little bit nostalgic. I couldn’t not share with you a piece of this atmosphere, the beautiful colours and this simple beach look I wore that day. I hope you enjoy this ray of sunshine on the blog today.
Poslednji dan u Los Andjelesu posetila sam Santa Monika plazu i setala sve do sledece, Venice plaze. Vreme je bilo prelepo, a meni je bilo zaista neverovatno da u novembru nosim sorts i bikini. Uzivala sam setajuci plazom, jela sladoled, hodala po pesku i slusala muziku koja je nastala od zvukova mora, galebova i ljudi. Ovo mesto me jako podsetilo na Brajton – moju trenutnu kucu, mozda zbog mora, mozda zbog doka ali je u meni nesto probudilo nostalgiju. Nisam mogla da sa vama ne podelim atmosferu, prelepe boje i jednostavnu kombinaciju za plazu. Nadam se da vam se dopada ovaj zrak sunca na blogu.
I wore: