27 Nov, 2015

Parker Palm Springs


I mentioned that the hotel we are at in Palm Springs is a pure heaven, as promised I decided to show you some of the photos taken around the hotel during out three day stay. After you see them, I am sure you will also want to book a little oasis of fun, peace an relaxation in Parker Palm Springs. I loved walking up in the morning, having my favourite chocolate french toast with strawberries and pistachio and then enjoying in the sun, riding a bike around Palm Springs, chilling by the pool, in the super cool lobby, reading a book on the hammock and dipping my feet in the jacuzzi at the end of the day. Pictures speak more than thousand words, so sit back as there are many of them telling a story below!

Spomenula sam vam vec da mi se hotel u Palm Springsu posebno dopao i obecala da cu vam pokazati slike koje to na neki nacin opravdavaju. Nakon sto ih vidite, sigurno cete i sami pozeleti malu oazu mira, zabave i opustanja u Parker Palm Springs Hotelu. Uzivala sam setajuci ujutru, u dorucku koji je uvek bio isti- cokoladni francuski tost sa pistacijama i jagodama. Uzivala sam na suncu, ljuljala se i citala knjigu, vozila bicikli po mestu i uvece se opustala u djakuziju na otvorenom. Slike govore vise od hiljadu reci, tako da vam predlazem da se udobno smestite i uzivate u ovoj prici!

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