12 Nov, 2015

New York Street Style


Second day spent in New York was reserved for visit to Statue of Liberty and stroll down the 5th Avenue. If you followed my snapchat, there was actually a lot more that we did, but you will have a chance to see it in the vlog that is coming soon. Even though its really sunny the day was crisp cold, fresh, but nice for walking around and admiring the beautiful city. There are so many gorgeous places in New York, great restaurants, amazing skyline view spots that few days are not enough, but on this occasion I feel like I made most of it. The outfit is casual, with mix of light grey and pink, my new cashmere turtleneck and over-the-knees which are super comfy. This look kept me warm and didnt have to compromise on looking good or comfort, which for me is always a bingo! Hope you enjoy it, and thank you for all your wonderful comments and support on last few posts!

Drugi dan proveden u Njujorku bio je rezervisan za posetu Kipu Slobode i setnji 5.Avenijom. Ako ste pratili moj snapchat, videli ste da smo taj dan obisli mnogo sto sta, ali sve detalje cete opet moci videti u vlogu koji editujem. Iako izgleda suncano i vedro, dan je bio hladan, svez, ali lep za setnju i uzivanje u ovom gradu. U Njujorku ima toliko mesta koji vam naprosto oduzimaju dah, odlicnih restorana, pogleda, muzeja, da vam dva dana ne mogu biti dovoljna, ali mi smo zaista obisli koliko god smo mogli. Odevna kombinacija je bila opustena, mix sivih i rozih nijansi, nova kasmir rolka i cizme koje ste videli bezbroj puta, jer su jako udobne. Bilo mi je toplo, a nisam morala ni da pravim kompromis izmedju estetike i udobnosti. Nadam se da vam se post dopada i hvala vam za divne komentare i podrsku i prethodnim postovima!







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