LACMA Museum was highly ranked on my bucket list for LA. If you are planning a visit, I strongly recommend you check it out online, including the Rain Room which has a waiting list sister on, so if you arguing there next year, make sure to put yourself on that list. It was a beautiful day, but since we started early in the morning, I decided to wear jeans and a vest for that fresh time of the day. Just before the shoot I paid a visit to Anine Bing boutique in LA, and guys did I have hard time. All the pieces were too perfect to be able to stay reasonable. I picked a few, including this vest and this pair of jeans. Most of you already showed a lot of love towards those pieces on instagram, and I am so happy we agree. Neutral tones somehow seem so natural in California, and this whole outfit had exactly that theme. hope you like it. I am off to bed now, as this time difference is killing me and because I have to get up so early for our next adventure.
LACMA Muzej se kotirao visoko na mojoj listi mesta koje zelim da posetim u Los Andjelesu. Ako planirate posetu, zaista vam ga preporucujem, kao i Sobu Kise za koju se trenutno morate prikljuciti listi cekanja, pa ako idete sledece godine, obavezno rezervisite svoje karte odmah. Prelep dan je zasluzio rano ustajanje, odlucila sam seza farmerice i prslu, slojeve, kako mi ujutru ne bi bilo hladno. Pre slikanja posetila sam Anine Bing butik, gde mi je bilo tesko da budem razumna i ne pokupujem ceo butik. Izabrala sam par komada, ukljucujuci ove farmerice i prsluk. Vec ste mi rekli na instagramu da vam se ovi komadi dopadaju i drago mi je da delimo misljenje. Neutralne boje mi se cine nekako prirodnim u Kaliforniji pa sam se opredelila bas za njih. Sada vas ljubim i idem u krevem, jer me vremenska razlika ubija a ustajem za 5 sati povodom sledece avanture.
I wore: