21 Nov, 2015

Ever Natural Escape


When I was moving to England many of my friends were not sure if leaving home was the right decision or not.
No matter what they thought their first sentence would always be “But it’s always raining in England”. We would then laugh about it and finish with discussing the best warm and waterproof fashion options that would allow me to look good, feel comfortable and stay dry even on the gloomiest London days.

Back then there wasn’t much choice, and boy has that changed. Later I learned that actually despite the popular belief, it does not always rain in UK, but when it does there can be lots of it, and life must go on. I still have to go to meetings, take my nephew swimming or grab lunch with my friends.

As I am pretty active, and there is barely ever a day that I don’t leave the house, I have to be prepared for those autumn days when all you can hear are rain drops on your window or the wind howling pretty loud. Today’s look is what I wore for one of those days. One thing I hate the most are wet feet when you accidentally step in a puddle, and that usually happens when I am staring at the phone and not looking where I walk. Luckily today you can see these Merino wool lined, waterproof EMU Australia Perisher boots. Best invention for those wet days when you want to pull off a casual chic look, stay dry, comfortable and happy just like I mentioned above. At first I wasn’t sure if they would survive English weather conditions, but boy was I wrong. Not only they exceeded my expectations with durability under bad weather conditions, but they also passed the test carried out by independent research agency SATRA. Looking stylish in rain was never easier. I often wear them with jeans like above, or even skirts, dresses, cosy jumpers. What do you wear when it rains? Do you have any autumn tips on how to stay comfy and warm? I would of course love to be able to spend those rainy days in bed, or wearing a duvet but sadly
that’s not an option. Share your thoughts with me :)


Kada sam se selila u Englesku mnogi od mojih prijatelja nisu bili sigurni da je to prava ideja. Bez obzira sta su mislili o tome njihova prva recenica je uvek bila “Ali u Engleskoj uvek pada kisa!”. Onda bi se smejali tom stereotipu i razmisljali o odevnim kombinacijama za tmurno vreme, o vodootpornoj obuci i stvarima u kojima mogu izgledati lepo i kada je vreme maglovito i mokro.

Pre 8 godina nisam imala puno izbora, ali to se srecom promenilo. Posle sam uvidela da nasuprot misljenju vecine kisa ne pada svaki dan u Engleskoj, ali kada pada, pada danima, a zivot jednostavno nastavlja. I dalje moram otici na taj sastanak, odvesti necaka na plivanje, ili naci se sa prijateljima u gradu.

S obzirom da sam prilicno aktivna, skoro nikada ne prodje dan da ne napustim kucu. Cak i onim danima kada od jutra cujme kapljice na prozoru i vetar kako zavija. Danasnji outfit slikala sam na jedan upravo takav dan. Jedna stvar koju ipak ne podnosim je kada slucajno ugazim u baru, a to se obicno desi kada gledam u telefon, a ne kuda hodam. Srecom na meni danas mozete videti cizme postvaljenje Merino vunom, vodootporni EMU Australia Perisher model. Najbolji izum za ove mokre dane kada zelim da izgledam opusteno, lepo ali da mi bude udobno, te da mi noge ostanu suve. U pocetku sam sumnjala da ce i ova vrsta obuce opstati kada krenu kise na jugu Engleske, ali nisam bila upravu. Ne samo da su izdrzale i prosle sve moje testove ali i testove nezavisne agencije SATRA koja ih je stavila na jos gore uslove. Nikada mi nije bilo lakse da izadjem na kraj sa kisom kao sada. Cesto ih nosim sa farmericama, ali nekada i sa suknjama, haljinama i udobnim dzemperima. Sta vi nosite kada pada kisa? Da li imate neke savete? Naravno, ja bih najradije ceo dan provela u krevetu ispod pokrivaca, ali to nije opcija. Radujem se vasim komentarima :)






