7 Nov, 2015

Desert Flowers

Foto 02-11-15, 12 24 37 (1)

Photo by Vincenzo Grillo

Hello my lovelies! As you probably know few days ago I had an amazing opportunity to visit Dubai, and on that visit we also made a trip to Liwa desert which was just too beautiful to even describe. I tried to capture its beauty but it was pretty hard to do that with only one post, so expect a bit more in next few days. I was lucky enough to be invited by PINKO to experience the Emirates, to visit some marvellous places and to brave going on top of Burj Khalifa- the tallest building in the world- which I feel so good about because I am normally really scared of heights. After visiting PINKO boutique in the Dubai Mall I was sure that this floral maxi dress will be what I want to photograph in desert. The colours, the shape and the figure hugging material convinced me that its the right choice, and I think I was right. Hope you like these photographs, and make sure to come back tomorrow for breathtaking views of Liwa desert. I know for sure that I will try and go back to Qasr Al Sarab, because this resort is something so specific, something that resembles all the Arabian Nights movies, and brings me to childhood stories my mum told me about 1001 nights. Enjoy!

Cao dragi moji! Kao sto verovatno znate pre nekoliko dana sam bla u Dubaiu, a tom prilikom sam posetila i Liwa pustinju koja je toliko lepa da je skoro nemoguce opisati. Pokusala sam da uhvatim trenutke aparatom, ali nije bilo lako docarati vam ovo mesto samo jednim postom, tako da mozete ocekivati jos par postova sa istom pozadinom. Bila sam jedna od srecnica koje je brend PINKO pozvao da dozive neverovatno iskustvo u Emiratima, da posete neka najlepsa mesta ukljucujuci i vrh Burj Khalife, najvise zgrade na svetu. Ponosna sam sto sam uspela doci do vrha, jer se inace jako bojim visine. Nakon posete PINKO butiku u Dubai shopping centru znala sam da zelim upravo ovu maxi haljinu, zbog printa i zbog cvrstog materijala koji odlicno laska figuri. Nadam se da vam se slike dopadaju i obavezno svratite opet sutra da vidite jos krajolika i pejzaza Liwa pustinje. Ja znam sigurno da cu se opet vratiti u Qasr Al Sarab hotel,jer je ovo mesto nesto posebno, kao iz bajki i u meni ozivljavaju price koje mi je mama pricala kao maloj o 1001.noci. Uzivajte!

The Dress I wore is PINKO from AW15 Collection

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