9 Nov, 2015

Why is your blog NOT growing?

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A lot of questions I receive are about blogging, how to turn your blog into profitable business or how to even grow your blog to the point where you feel like you are being heard. Now I mentioned many times before that blogging full time isn’t easy, but there are certainly some things too that you can do to make the whole process a lot easier.

If your blog isn’t growing for a certain period now, you might need to change your strategy. I came up with 5 most common reasons why your blog isn’t growing in terms of readers and engagement, and here you can find out if you are making some of these mistakes.

1.Its all about what you want to see
I started blogging about stuff I only cared about, about things that I love and want to see, but then I realised that people also want to see some other stuff and that I shouldn’t be limiting myself to only my interests. We grew from inspirational outfit photos to now sharing my travels, experiences, reviews, videos, life stories and different things in order to offer my readers 360 of my fashion, beauty and lifestyle story. Even though I have a lot more to share now, I still stick to my style of positive thinking, luxury loving, but approachable motive. That seems to be bringing me best results.

2.You are overselling
I mentioned this so many times before. DO NOT accept every sort of offer, present, money in exchange for advert on your blog! I often get surprised when I see fashion blogs showing all sorts of protein shakes, dating websites, dog leads, fast food or clothing that they would never otherwise show if they weren’t compensated for it. It saddens me that people accept all sort of stuff just to get some (usually very little) money. If you are a blogger, and you want to show you have integrity, keep your readers by being true to them. Until this date I sad NO to hundreds of different hair extension, protein, slimming websites because I wanted to be honest with my readers and grow my website by being true to myself.

3.You aren’t producing useful information
Inspire, motivate, share stuff people want to read. A lot of blogs miss out on point. The point of blogging is not self promotion, you are blogging to inspire people. Since I started Monday posts I noticed a huge spike in visits, people love coming for tips, they love seeing outfits, beauty tutorials, monthly favourites, restaurant or travel tips… Posting same old outfit with a small variation isn’t inspiring and that could be a reason your blog isn’t growing.

4.You aren’t making your content easily shareable
Sharing is caring. Right? Well if you want your content to reach people that never visited your blog before, you need to make is easily shareable. Make sure to have a Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter button which will allow your readers to share your posts with their friends and their friends will share it with other friends and so on. You get the point.

5.Why would people return?
Most blogs have a high amount of first time visitors. This is because they don’t give their readers reason to come back. Try to give them something different, don’t copy other blogs and make sure to be very clear about your posting schedule. Every Monday you know you will find Monday confessions here, and that might make you want to come back. Make something unique and you will notice your audience is more loyal than ever.

I have been blogging for 6 years now, and in that time I certainly made some mistakes. The moment I recognised them and implemented changes is when I noticed growth and success. I hope these tips help you, and if you have any other tips for my readers, please share them in the comment section below. Happy Monday everyone!


Veliki broj pitanja koje mi uputite su u vezi blogovanja, kako zaraditi od bloga, kako pretvoriti blog u posao ili kako postici veliku online popularnost, tako da ljudi slusaju sta imate za reci. Mnogo puta sam rekla da ovo zaista nije jednostavno, ali postoje neke stvari i precice koje sve ovo olaksavaju. Isto tako postoje i stvarikoje mozda radite i koje vam onemogucavaju dalji rast.

Ako vaš blog ne raste vec duze vreme, mozda treba da promenite strategiju. Napisala sam 5 najcescih razloga zasto blogovi prestanu da rastu, zasto citatelji ne posecuju cesto vas sajt i zasto ne dobijate nove lojalne pratioce.

1.Vas blog je iskjucivo o vasim interesovanjima
Pocela sam blogovanje tako sto sam zelela pisati samo na teme koje mene interesuju, vrlo brzo sam uvidela da ljudi zele jos. Pocela sam sa inspirativnim fotografijama i dnevnikom mojih odevnih kombinacija, a prosirila to na lepotu, putovanja, savete, iskustva, videe, recenzije. Sve ovo zato sto sam zelela da moji citatelji imaju potpun 360 uvid u moj modni, beauty i lifestyle zivot. Iako sada delim mnogo vise sa vama ipak se drzim osnovne teme, koja je pozitivno razmisljanje, stvari najviseg kvaliteta bez obzira da li skupe ili pristupacne. Ovo mi daje najbolje rezultate.

2.Prodajete se
Ovo sam spomenula bezbroj puta. NE PRIHVATAJTE sve ponude, poklone, novac koje vam kompanije nude za reklamu. Iskreno sokiram se kada vidim modne blogerke koje reklamiraju protein shejkove, sajtove za dejting, brzu hranu ili odecu koju u suprotnom nikada ne bi obukle. Rastuzim se kada vidim da devojke prihvataju sve samo za (uglavnom malo) novca. Ako si modna blogerka i zelis da pokazes malo integriteta budi dosledna sebi. Nijedna svetski poznata marka nece hteti da saradjuje sa tobom nakon sto si reklamirala te tablete za mrsavljenje na svom modnom blogu. Od pocetka blogovanja do danas rekla sam NE stotinama raznih kompanija koje prodaju ekstenzije za kosu, sejkove, stvari koje mi se ne dopadaju. Zelim da budem iskrena prema vama i da moj sajt raste u skladu sa tim.

3.Ne plasirate bitne informacije
Inspirisite, motivisite i delite korisne savete. Mnogi blogeri ne uvidjaju poentu blogovanja. Poenta nije samo promocija, vec vi to radite kako bi vasi citatelji imali neku korist od toga. Od kako sam pocela ispovesti ponedeljkom primetila sam ogroman porast u citateljima. Ljudi se vracaju po savete, inspiraciju, vole da vide kombinacije, beauty tutorijale, omijlene proizvode, restorane i putovanja… Ako stalno postavljate jedan te isti outfit sa malom varijacijom, vas blog nece rasti.

4.Nemate opciju “share”
Kako bi vas sadrzaj stigao cak i u neke daleke zemlje neophodno je da se link deli medju prijateljima. Obavezno instalirajte Pinterest, Facebook i Twitter dugme, koje ce omoguciti vasim citateljima da jednostavno podele sadrzaj sa svojim prijateljima a oni sa njihovim i tako dalje. Shvatate poentu.

5.Nemaju razlog da se vrate
Vecina blogova ima veliku kolicinu posetioca koji samo jednom svrate. Ovo je zato sto svojim citateljima ne daju razlog ili potrebu za tim. Ponudite im nesto drugacije, ne kopirajte tudji sadrzaj, budite veoma jasni oko rasporeda postovanja. Svakog ponedeljka znate da cete ovde naci ispovesti ponedejkom, iz toga razloga ste mozda danas i dosli na moj sajt. Stvorite nesto unikatno i primeticete da su vasi citatelji lojalniji nego ikada

Ja blogujem vec 6 godina, tako da sam za ovo vreme sigurno napravila neke od ovih gresaka. Onog trenutka kada sam to uvidela ubacila sam promene i primetila ogroman razvoj bloga. Nadam se da vam ovi saveti pomazu, a ako imate neke savete i sami obavezno ih podelite sa mnom i mojim citateljima u komentarima. Zelim vam divan ponedeljak.


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