9 Oct, 2015

PFW Day 4


What is better than wearing a flow midi skirt with some comfy flats, so that you can run around streets of Paris looking chic but feeling comfortable? These photos were taken after a brunch with my girls as you could see on instagram. I really enjoyed having a relaxed morning chatting to bloggers from all around the world, before the crazy storm of fashion shows and events. In this post you can also see the latest addition to my wardrobe, this grey Saint Laurent monogram bag. I am obsessed with grey lately, and wore it with some grey and pink accents but also these glittery trainers. Some of you noticed that not all of the looks on the blog are featured on social media, and that is correct. I am trying to keep exclusive content on all the platforms, so some of the looks will ONLY ever be featured on the blog, some of the stuff will only ever be mentioned on twitter, and so on. I want to make it valuable for you guys to follow all of my platforms, and that is my way of saying thank you! Hope you like this look, and wait up for the next one, which was yet not featured anywhere else :)

Sta je bolje od leprsave suknje i ravnih cipela, koje vam omogucavaju da trckarate ulicama Pariza dok izgledate dobro a osecate se udobno? Ovaj post slikam je nakon branča sa drugaricama, kao sto ste mogli videti na instagramu. Zaista sam uzivala u opustenom jutru razgovarajuci i druzeci se sa internacionalnim blogerima pre nego sto je ludilo revija pocelo. U ovom postu takodje mozete videti moju novi Saint Laurent sivu torbu. Opsednuta sam sivom bojom u poslednje vreme, i ova kombinacija je skoro skroz siva, osim nekih pink detalja i sljokicavih patika.Neki od vas su primetili da odredjene kombinacije nikada nisu bile na drustvenim mrezama, a to je zato sto zelim da zadrzim ekskluzivnost bloga i bar 50% kombinacija necete moci videti nigde drugo nego na blogu. Zelim da vam se na taj nacin zahvalim sto pratite sve moje platforme, te cete na svakoj mojoj drustvenoj mrezi i blogu moci naci nesto sto nigde drugo niste mogli videti. Nadam se da vam se kombinacija dopada, a u sutrasnjem postu vas ceka jedna koju niste videli nigde do sada :)










I wore: