16 Sep, 2015

Preparing for Fashion Month


Before fashion month started I was preparing my looks and all the other important bits for that busy time of the year. I am currently in  New York and before the trip I needed to have around 25-30 outfits ready and packed in suitcases, since I wont be coming home for 4 weeks. A lot of you wondered how I prepare for fashion weeks, so read more!

Fashion week is all about key pieces, eye catching accessories, and wearing clothes you really love, not worrying if anyone will judge you, because everyone expresses their personality through clothes. Just like every season I am in search for some amazing, unique or vintage pieces. That’s when it comes to eBay . I can spend hours and hours searching for vintage bags, cute accessories, designer shoes I missed out on years ago. It’s amazing that on eBay I always find some pieces which make me squeak with excitement, and that was the case this season again. I found amazing Chanel vintage bags, gorgeous colours of Saint Lauren cross body and some Valentino dresses I never managed to find in the shops. They say that nothing haunts us as things we didn’t buy, well not anymore.
The fashion week packing usually means one big rail full of clothes- rail of stuff I am bringing, and then hours of trying on, packing, folding and matching. Finding right hats, glasses and accessories. For me this is so much fun and I really enjoy discovering little treasures online that I know for fact no one else will be sporting at these events. After all its all about feeling confident in what you wear, and finding the right pieces, for amazing prices without even having to leave the house. In my eyes that means victory!!

Mesec mode je poceo, a pre toga imala sam zadatak da pripremim sve svoje odevne kombinacije za ovaj period. Trenutno sam u Njujorku a pre puta sam spremila 25-30 kombinacija i vecinu ih slozila u kofer, s obzirom da se kuci necu vracati 4 nedelje. Mnogi su me pitali kako se organizujem i pronalazim odecu, pa sam vam to ispricala u ovom postu.

Za nedelju mode potrebni su mi odlicni detalji, odeca koju volim i koju mogu da nosim bez razmisljanja, jer na ovakvim dogadjajima svi ispoljavaju svoj karakter odevnim kombinacijama. Svake sezone u potrazi sam za nekim originalnim, interesantnim, unikatnim ili vintidz komadima. Tada je red na eBay. Provedem sate i sate trazeci odgovarajuce modne detalje, cipele nekih od mojih omiljenih brendova koje sam propustila pre par sezona ili mozda torbu interesantne boje. Svaki put na eBay-u pronadjem nesto zbog cega skoro vrisnem od uzbudjenja, a to je bio slucaj i ove sezone. Nasla sam neverovatne vintadz Chanel torbe, Saint Laurent torbice u zanimljivim dezenima i bojama, kao i Valentino haljinu koju sam trazila mesecima ali je uvek bila rasprodata u buticima. Kazu da nas nista ne progoni kao stvari koje nismo kupili, a to vise nije problem. Pakovanje za nedelju mode podrazumeva mnogo odece na jednom mestu, probavanje razlicitih komada, kombinovanje, onda su tu i odgovarajuci sesiri, torbe, cipele, nakit, suncane naocare. Za mene ovo je velika zabava, jer uzivam u ovom kreativnom procesu, pronalazim neka prava blaga i komade koje znam da niko drugi nece nositi. U mojim ocima to je pobeda!







