12 Sep, 2015

NYFW Day 1


And so it started! Beautiful weather in New York city got me really motivated, happy and feeling amazing as I strolled from one show to the other. Certainly a huge difference from February when temperature was between -10 and -15, this time I can feel the sun on my skin while walking across the beautiful NY avenues. First day of NYFW was kicked off with Kate Spade presentation, and I wore the outfit by the brand. My schedule is pretty packed and full, but I am lucky to see at least one of my friends at every show, presentation or event so even though its a lot of work, I mix it with some fun. Todays look was inspired by 70’s and I love how these type of trousers look on me! They seem classic and elongate the leg which is always a plus. After Kate Spade I rushed over to Betsey Johnson’s 50 years anniversary show, grabbed a quick lunch and headed to Giulietta. After a quick change of the look it was time to go to Vogue party. Champagne, fashion and Vogue, now thats a perfect fashion week luxury. I am trying to adjust to different time zone, so posting as much as I can on my social networks, but make sure to follow me on snapchat (tamarakalinic) for all the fashion shows, outfits, events and fun with my friends! How do you like the day 1 look? Cant wait to show you more :)

I pocelo je! Prelepo vreme u Njujorku me je zaista motivisalo, usrecilo i nekako ucinilo poletnijom, pa sam sa revije na reviju skoro preletela. Zaista ogromna razlika u poredjenju na februar kada je temperatura bila izmedju -10 i -15 ovaj put osecam sunce na kozi dok setam prelepim avenijama Njujorka. Moj raspored je prilicno pun, ali sam srecna sto imam priliku da vidim bar jednu od svojih drugarica na svakoj reviji, prezentaciji, eventu, tako da je posao pomesan sa zabavom. Danasnja kombinacija je inspirisana 70im godinama, a obukla sam je jer obozavam da nosim ovaj kroj pantalona. Izgledaju klasicno ali izduzuju nogu, sto je uvek veliki plus. Nakon Kate Spade prezentacije pozurila sam na reviju Betsey Johnson koja je obelezila 50 godina njenog rada, potom rucala usput i uputila se na Giulietta reviju. Nakon toga bilo je vreme za promenu outfita jer je na rasporedu bio Vogue event. Sampajac, moda i Vogue, odmor od revija je pravi luksuz, pa sam zaista uzivala. Jos uvek se navikavam na drugu vremensku zonu, pa postavljam sto vise sadrzaja mogu, ali me pratite na snapchatu (tamarakalinic) da vidite sve revije, evente a i Njujork. Kako vam se dopada ova kombinacija? Jedva cekam da vam pokazem jos :)









I wore: