25 Sep, 2015

LFW day 1


London Fashion Week is behind us, but I have three looks to show you from those days. First one is pretty special because you can also see it in the video from my collaboration with Dorothy Perkins and Shopstyle. I was really lucky to see some amazing shows, presentations and attend few great events during LFW, and in the video you can see one afternoon with me around the week. I really wanted to show you a little behind the scenes shoot, and what it looks like being a part of this incredible month for the industry. In the video you can see the outfit in action, while I am relaxing between the appointments at The Apartment. Hope you enjoy this post, and give me some feedback what would you like to see more during the fashion month, after all we are half way through.

Nedelja mode u Londonu se zavrsila ali ja imam tri kombinacije koje bih zelela da vam pokazem. Prva mi je prilicno draga, jer je deo moje saradnje sa brendom Dororthy Perkins i Shopstyle-om. Imala sam veliku srecu ove sezone da idem na neke zaista fantasticne revije, prezentacije i da prisustvujem sjajnim dogadjajima u toku LFW-a. U ovom videu mozete videti kako izgleda jedno popodne za vreme nedelje mode. Zaista sam zelela da vam to pokazem, tako da sam imala videografa koji me pratio po gradu. U videu takodje mozete videti outfit u akciji, dok se odmaram u The Apartment konceptu izmedju revija. Nadam se da vam se post dopada i molim vas da mi kazete sta biste rado videli na blogu ovog modnog meseca. Na pola smo puta, tako da i dalje imam vremena da proizvedem neki zanimljiv sadrzaj za vas.

Photo- Tom Martin








I wore:

SKIRT-I love this one