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So there was a LOT of questions regarding The Yacht Week. Before going on this trip around Greek islands I was familiar with the concept, but didn’t really know what to expect. Will it be too intense, how will I cope on the boat, seven days without sleeping in the actual bed, will it be too much? It was a challenge, but I will tell you in this post what kind of experience it really was. I was on the bloggers boat, which not only meant I had similar people around me, but I actually knew all the people that were on our boat, which made me feel really comfortable. Ideally if you book a trip like this, you can take your friends and have one big yacht party for seven days. That is pretty much what we did. During the Yacht Week everything was optional, parties, hiking trips, and everything is up to your group and the skipper. I really liked the challenge. Changing my spacious home for a boat was a big step, but I adapted really fast, and got used to sharing everything with other people. Being on a boat for 7 days really was not a problem at all, I didn’t get sea sick once, and really enjoyed waking up in different cities, seeing the beautiful horizon and diving in the salty Aegean sea whenever I felt like it. It was beautiful. I never felt so close to the nature, and decided to share some of these photos with you. In the middle of the week we stopped at Nikki Beach Porto Heli where we spent one night and had the most delicious sushi for dinner. Parties at Nikki Beach are truly the best, and we loved spending one night there, as it was a nice mid week change. More photos from Nikki Beach will be on the blog tomorrow until then here are few photos which describe the yacht life:)
Pitali ste me MNOGO pitanja u vezi Yacht Week-a. Pre nego sto sam se i sama uputila na ovo putovanje po Grckim ostrvima bila sam samo blago upoznata sa celim konceptom, ali ipak nisam znala sta da ocekujem. Da li ce biti naporno, kako cu podneti 7 dana na brodu, 7 dana bez spavanja u pravom krevetu, da li ce sve to biti previse bila su samo neka od pitanja u mojoj glavi. Ovo je zaista bio veliki izazov za mene a u ovom postu cu vam ispricati o celom iskustvu. Ja sam bila smestena na brod sa ostalim blogerima, a srecom sam poznavala sve devojke od ranije, tako da mi je drustvo bilo zaista odlicno. Generalno ako sami uplatite ovo putovanje birate ko ide sa vama, dakle najcesce su to velike grupe prijatelja sto cini ovakvo putovanje nezaboravnim. Tako je i nama bilo. Za vreme nedelje provedene na brodu sve vam je na raspolaganju, mozete ici na zurke, vecere, na planinarenje, obilazak ostrva, dakle vas raspored zavisi od vas i skipera na brodu. Zamenila sam svoj dom u kom imam vise nego dovoljno prostora za zaista mali brod, u kom sam delila krevet za jednu osobu sa drugaricom. Izazov sam prihvatila oberucke i zaista mi nista od ovoga nije smetalo. Brzo sam se prilagodila i na cinjenicu da sve delimo, da treba stedeti vodu, da struje nema. 7 Dana na brodu sam provela lako, nije mi bilo muka nijednom, a zaista sam uzivala budeci se u drugom gradu svaki put, u novoj hrani, u prelepom horizontu, plivanju u Egejskom moru kad god pozelim. Bilo je prelepo. Nikada se nisam osecala blize prirodi, pa sam odlucila da podelim i neke slike sa broda sa vama. U sred nedelje smo proveli jednu noc u Nikki Beach Porto Heli hotelu, gde smo napunili baterije (u bukvalnom smislu reci). Vise slika iz ovog hotela u sledecem postu, do tada uzivajte u ovom dnevniku zivota na brodu :)