10 Jul, 2015

Palm trees and water villas


Hello from airport. I guess not the most conventional place for writing blog posts, but lately seems to be the place where I do most of the work. Currently I am waiting to get onto my delayed flight, but really dreaming about this gorgeous island in the middle of the ocean. I already miss waking up to the sea view, admiring colourful fish in the sea, chasing little crabs on the sandy beach and most of all walking barefoot :) For a shoe lover its strange, but really walking barefoot is what I miss the most. Would it be too socially unacceptable if I just walk around barefoot in Europe too? Haha, I don’t even wanna think about it. Today I wanted to show you photos from a pretty incredible day, when I checked off a big bucket list wish and visited the underwater restaurant in Conrad Maldives. The experience is difficult to catch on the camera, but was truly amazing. You get to see all of this marine life, fish, corals, turtles and more while sipping on champagne or having lunch. I absolutely loved it. Last two days of the holiday we moved from the Deluxe Beach Villa to the Deluxe Water Villa, more photos coming soon, but you get to see my home for the past two days pretty much in these photos below.

Javljam vam se s aerodroma. Verovatno ne toliko uobicajeno mesto za pisanje postova, ali u poslednje vreme je moja jedina opcija. Trenutno cekam da se ukrcam u avion koji kasni, ali zapravo sanjam o prelepom ostrvu u sred okeana. Vec mi nedostaje budjenje uz pogled na beskonacnost, posmatranje sarenih riba u moru, jurenje kraba na plazi i najvise od svega nedostaje mi da budem bosa po ceo dan. Mozda zvuci cudno s obzirom da obozavam cipele i rado ih skupljam, ali verujte mi da nakon 7 dana hodanja po pesku ne zelim da obujem cipele. Da li bi bilo previse neprihvatljivo za drustvo da hodam bosa i u Evropi? Haha, ne zelim ni da razmisljam o tome. Danas sam zelela da vam pokazem ove slike i ispricam o iskustvu koje sam zelela vec dugo da dozivim. Konacno sam dobila priliku da posetim restoran ispod mora u Conrad Maldives Hotelu. Iskustvo je neverovatno i nisam mogla da fotografisem kako je to sve zapravo izgledalo, ali sam imala priliku da vidim ribe, kornjace, koralne grebene, sve to uz sampanjac i grickalice. Bilo je predivno. Poslednja dva dana odmora smo ostali u Deluxe Vili na vodi, umesto Deluxe Vile na plazi, ali o tome u drugom postu. Ipak mozete videti par slika naseg doma na Maldivima na slikama ispod.







I wore