14 Jul, 2015

My Beach Beauty Necessities


Today I am in that chatty mood, so its going to be a long post in which I share with you some of my absolute favourites from Maldives. As you guys now I love trying out new beauty products and for me looking after my hair and skin is something extremely important. I am not going to talk too much about SPF and sun protection in this post, as I will talk about those in the video I am filming, but wanted to share with you my absolute favourites and key products for looking attractive during and after your summer holiday. Before you start, I would just like to let you know that none of this was sponsored, these are my actual, genuine favourites and products I really loved using this summer.

Danas sam opet pricljiva, tako da sam odlucila da napisem jedan malo duzi post u kom bih podelila neke od mojih omiljenih kozmetickih proizvoda, koje sam koristila na Maldivima, sa vama. Kao sto i sami znate, obozavam da probavam razne proizvode, da negujem svoju kozu i kosu i to mi je izuzetno vazno. Necu previse pricati o SPF zastiti koze u ovom postu, jer to prepustam za video koji spremam, ali zelim sa vama da podelim neke od mojih kljucnih letnjih proizvoda. Pre nego sto pocente da citate, zelim samo da napomenem da nista nije sponzorisano u ovom postu, ovo su moje iskrene preporuke i proizvodi koje zaista mnogo volim.


Enigma which I have been dealing with for years now. How to protect my hair from bad sun, chlorine or salt effects. Chlorine and salt are known to dry hair (and mine is naturally curly so its a little bit on the dry side by default). Sun is known to burn it, and I really didn’t want to end up walking around with barbecue on my head for the rest of the year. I look after my hair whole year long so didn’t want to ruin it all by 7 days at the sea side, but also didn’t want to worry about it too much, wear a scarf, swim with a hat, not be able to dive, or be one of these women that can’t have fun in the sun because they are too worried sun or water will affect them. This year for the first time I decided to try out full Kérastase range for sun, well for the hair, but hair exposed to the sun. When I read about it, it said that these products pictured above are something like spf for your hair. I used the Kérastase Soleil Treatment Masque UV Defense Active every evening after the beach and I used Kérastase Solei CC creme in the morning, applied it all over my hair and every time after diving (when my hair would be wet). Oh my the results are incredible!!! My hair never felt and looked better and even my hair dresser couldn’t believe that actually my hair is even nicer now than before the holiday. I used Kérastase Bain Apres-Soleil Shampoo only twice, as I wash my hair only every 4-5 days when at home, so didn’t want to dry it out with too much shampoo use. Every evening I rinsed my hair thoroughly with water and applied masque. I used shampoo on the 4th and on the last day of the holiday.

Enigma koju sam pokusavala da resim godinama. Kako zastititi kosu od losih uticaja sunca, hlora i morske soli. Hlor i morska so isusuju kosu (moja je ionako prirodno suvlja jer je kovrdava). Sunce je przi, a ja zaista ne zelim da hodam do kraja godine sa rostiljem na glavi. Vodim racuna o kosi cele godine zato ne zelim da je unistim za samo 7 dana na suncu, ali isto tako ne zelim da brinem previse, nosim sal, sesir i u vodi, da ne ronim ili najgore da budem jedna od onih zena koje se previse cuvaju, ne daju nikome da ih poprska i plivaju sa visokom pundjom kako im e ni slucajno kosa ne bi pokvasila. Ja volim da plivam i da se zabavljam u vodi, zato sam ove godine po prvi put probala Kérastase liniju za sunce, mislim ne za sunce, vec za kosu izlozenu suncu. Kada sam iscitala malo o proizvodima videla sam da su nesto poput spf zastite za kosu. Koristila sam Kérastase Soleil Treatment Masque UV Defense Active svako vece posle plaze i koristila sam Kérastase Solei CC creme ujutru i posle svakog kupanja, odnosno kd god bi mi mokra kosa bila izlozena suncu. Rezultati su neverovatni!! Kosa mi nikada nije izgledala bolje, a pod rukom je svilenkasta i meka. Cak ni moja frizerka nije mogla da veruje da mi je kosa bolja posle nego pre letovanja. Koristila sam i Kérastase Bain Apres-Soleil sampon, ali samo dva puta, jer inace perem kosu i kod kuce na svakih 4 ili 5 dana, tako da nisam htela da je previse isusujem samponom. Svako vece bih prvo kosu dobro isprala vodom, potom aplicirala pakovanje. Koristila sam sampon samo 4. i poslednjeg dana odmora.




I don’t like using too much makeup on summer holidays, I like to let my skin recover and breathe from products, pollution and all the other stuff that I can’t afford to do when at home. I decided to use only few products that I thought were absolutely amazing, and as you can see in the profile shot it was a very clean and natural look.

Products I used on my face are:
-Laura Mercier Silk Creme Moisturizing Photo Edition Foundation in Bamboo Beige
-Laura Mercier Lip Glace in Bare Baby
-Tom Ford Large Bronzing Powder
-Tom Ford Lipstick in Skinny Dip
-Tom Ford Lipstick in Rose Soleil
-Tom Ford Brow Sculptor in Espresso

Ne volim da koristim mnogo sminke na moru, zelim da mi se tada koza lica odmori od proizvoda i zagadjenja u vazduhu. Sve to ne mogu da priustim sebi u Londonu, zato koristim na moru samo par proizvoda i to samo kada je posebna prilika u pitanju. Kao sto vidite na slici lice izgleda dosta prirodno i neutralno.

Proizvodi koje sam koirstila su:
-Laura Mercier Silk Creme Moisturizing Photo Edition Foundation in Bamboo Beige
-Laura Mercier Lip Glace u Bare Baby
-Tom Ford veliki bronzer
-Tom Ford karmin Skinny Dip
-Tom Ford karmin Rose Soleil
-Tom Ford olovka za obrve Espresso




I don’t know about you, but I like to change up my fragrance when going on a holiday or when I want to have a particular scent reminding me of the fabulous time I had somewhere. For this Maldives adventure I packed my beloved Tom Ford Fleur de Portofino eau de parfum (50ml). This scent is just perfect handbag edition, and something that came in so handy while travelling, but also for the nice dinners, and classy events while on the island. I am not very good at describing scents, but it smells clean yet seductive, with the perfect amount of floral notes. If you are passing by Tom Ford counter, make sure to try it on! Its too good for words.

Ne znam za vas, ali ja volim da promenim parfem kada idem na neko zanimljivo putovanje kako bih imala odredjeni miris koji me podseca na dane tamo provedene. Za Maldive izabrala sam trenutno omiljeni Tom Ford Fleur de Portofino eau de parfum (50ml). Ovaj parfem je savrsen jer stane i u rucnu torbu a mozete i putovati sa njim. Meni je bio idealan i za vece i za dan. Nisam vicna u opisivanju mirisa, ali mirise zaista cisto, ipak ima jednu zavodljivu notu sa savrsenom dozom floralnih linija. Ako prolazite pored Tom Ford standa ili butika obavezno ga probajte na svojoj kozi.


As you can see in some of the photos, I am few shades darker than before the trip. To look after my skin after it was exposed to the sun I used Laura Mercier Creme de Pistache body butter and shower gel.Can I just mention what a treat it was to fill up a bath with this delicious smelling shower/bath gel and relax while reading a good book? My skin feels smooth,looks healthy and even a bit tighter since I started using these products. I am not sure what it is, but I really really loved these products. If you never tried Laura Mercier body&bath range its one task you have after reading this post. Next time you walk past their counter, you just have to check it out!

Kao sto vodite na nekim slikama, taminja sam za nijansu ili dve. Kako bih vodila racuna o mojoj sada preplanuloj kozi, redovno je hidriram Laura Mercier Creme de Pistache body butter-om. Moram da napomenem i da je bio veliki uzitak napuniti kadu i koirstiti kupku sa mirisom kreme od pistaca i opustiti se uz dobru knjigu. Moja koza je glatka, izgleda zdravo i nekako zategnutije nego pre odmora. Nisam sigurna sta je u pitanju, ali mi se ovi proizvodi jako dopadaju.Ako niste nikada probali Laura Mervier bath&body proizvode, neka vam to bude jedini zadatak nakon procitanog posta. Kada sledeci put naidjete na ovaj pbrend obavezno pomirisite njihove proizvode za negu tela.

