7 Jul, 2015

Aztec Print In Maldives


Just quick hello, as I don’t want to miss a second of the gorgeous sunshine outside. I couldn’t miss but show you this splendid dress, that was a fabulous find while shopping for my trip. I really love the detail on the back, and the moment my skin got a bit of tan I couldn’t wait but wear it. Check it out while its still in stock by clicking HERE. I am getting a lot of Maldives related questions on my social media, so instead of answering to all of them here and there I will make a whole post. Same applies regarding yoga, just ask whatever you are interested in, and I will make a full post/video. Im already out the door, sending you loads of love.

Samo brzinsko javljanje, jer ne zelim da propustim ni sekund sunca napolju. Nisam mogla ipak da vam nepokazem ovu haljinu, koja je smatram nesto najbolje sto sam kupila pred ovo putovanje. Zaista mi se dopada detalj na ledjima i mislim da prelepo izgleda sa preplanulom kozom, iako ja nisam mogla da docekam, te sam je obukla odmah drugo vece. Ako vas interesuje, mozete istu kupiti OVDE. Postavili ste mi mnogo pitanja u vezi Maldiva i Joge, pa sam odlucila da napisem poseban post i video u vezi obe teme. Ako imate neka pitanja slobodno ih ostavite ispod ovog posta. Idem sada napolje, saljem vam mnogo ljubavi sa ostrva u Indijskom Okeanu!









I wore: