White dresses in every shape and form are my go to piece this summer. If you watched my video on summer essentials, you have seen and heard why I love this dress so much (if you haven’t seen it, I left it at the bottom of this post). There is something so liberating and relaxed with matching dresses and ankle boots and I am not sure what it is, but in that type of look I feel really good.
Right now I am going to pack, as tomorrow I am off to Serbia for few days only, I will also edit todays video, so keep an eye on that on my YouTube channel. Lately I am trying to focus on doing everything, so besides my private life, I am also shooting a lot, filming videos, attending events, and you guys are so lovely and supporting along the journey. Last night I was invited by Tommy Hilfiger and his wife Dee Ocleppo for a phenomenal dinner and feel so motivated today. As I mentioned on my instagram, I was the only blogger at the event and feel so honoured and inspired as I had an opportunity to speak to some of most inspiring people in the industry, and not just in the fashion industry, but you know that people who are happy and successful in their own light make me so motivated to work towards my own dreams. All in all I got so many new ideas and so many interesting things are coming here, so stay updated as I will work super hard to make this place more interesting and full of content for all of us! Big things are coming
Bele haljine u svih krojeva su moj omiljeni komad ovog leta. Ako ste gledali video sa stvarima koje cine moj letnji garderober, onda ste to sigurno videli (ukoliko niste gledali video, ostavila sam vam ga na dnu ovog posta). Ima nesto zaista udobno i lepo u kombinovanju leprsavih haljinica i cizmica, nisam sigurna sta ali se u takvim kombinacijama osecam super.
Sada idem dase pakujem, jer sutra idem za Srbiju ali samo na par dana, povodom nekih privatnih razloga. Posle toga cu editovati danasnji video, tako da ga ocekujte danas na YT kanalu. U poslednje vreme radim mnogo toga, osim privatnog zivota, tu je i svakodnevno slikanje, snimanje, modni dogadjaji a vi ste zaista fenomenalni i pratite sve to na blogu i drustvenim mrezama. Sinoc sam imala veliku cast da prisustvujem veceri na koju su me licno pozvali Tommy Hilfiger njegova supruga Dee Ocleppo.Kao sto sam spomenula na instagramu bila samjedina blogerka na veceri i toliko sam inspirisana nakon razgovora sa uspesnim ljudima iz industrije. Nista me ne inspirise toliko koliko price ljudi koji su srecni i uspesni i koji su radili ka svojim snovima. Puna sam ideja na kojima cu raditi ovog leta, zanimljive stvari dolaze, zato ocekujte nesto lepo i veliko uskoro na blogu.
I wore: