Is there a better way to cheer yourself up than with a bunch of peonies? I think not. These beautiful flowers are my absolute favourite and always cheer me up and make my work space look more beautiful.You probably know that I am a huge peony fan, as all of my background wallpapers are actually photos of these pretty flowers. But enough with the chit chat, today I wanted to show you another simple look where I think its all in the details. Skinny jeans and off the shoulder white top accessorised with killer lace up heels, jewellery, statement bag and mirrored pair of sunnies. What do you think?
Lately I have been receiving many comments about photography on the blog, you guys are giving me so many nice compliments and I am entirely grateful for it. To be honest it means much to me, as photography is something my whole team is being trained on and we are constantly striving to improve and get new ideas. Thank you so much!
Da li postoji bolji nacin da unesem malo raspolozenja u svakodnevicu nego buketom bozura? Mislim da ne. OVo prelepo cvece je moje omiljeno i osem sto me uvek uveseljava takodje ulepsava moj radni prostor. Verovatno znate da obozavam bozure jer su mi upravo oni na svakoj pozadini, sto na telefonu, tabletu,kompjuteru. Ali dosta price, da se bacim na kombinaciju. Danasnji look je fokusiran na detalje,jer sam zelela da docaram kako obicne farmerice i bela kosulja mogu da izgledaju super sa pravim nakitom, torbom, cipelama. Kako vam se cini? U poslednje vreme sam primila mnogo komentara u vezi fotografija na blogu. Zelim da se zahvalim za sve komplimente jer mi neopisivo mnogo znace. Fotografija je nesto cime se ceo moj tim bavi i svi se obucavamo da budemo sto bolji u tome, da imamo zanimljive ideje i da vama pruzimo najbolji kvalitet. Hvala vam puno!
I wore: