This outfit was playing on my mind for a while, but I didn’t have a perfect occasion to wear it, and then the day came! Earthy tones, mixed with good shapes and structures usually means a good combination, and I couldn’t wait to wear this with some of my favourite Jimmy Choo accessories. These rope sandals are one of those pieces that make you feel powerful when you put them on, and I love them for so many reasons. I am so curious to hear what you think about this look. Also light was so pretty for shooting that day that it was really difficult for me to pick just few photos. Im getting excited for summer!
Ovaj outfit mi se javio kao ideja i jedva cam docekala pravu priliku da ga obucem. Zemljani tonovi mesani sa dobrim formama i leprsavim materijalima uglavnom podrazumeva dobar outfit. Ne mozete me okriviti sto sam outfit kombinovala sa mojim omiljenim Jimmy Choo detaljima. Ove kanap sandale su jedan od onih komada u kojem se uvek osecam nekako mocno i volim ih zbog mnogo razloga. Bas me zanima kako se vama dopada ova kombinacija. Svetlo je bilo prelepo,tako da mi je bilo tesko izabrati samo par slika, bas se radujem letu!
I wore: