Hey lovely people. I am already getting ready to leave Serbia (trust me will show you few outfits from here too), but I just couldn’t help show you this outfit as well. I fell in love with this River Island trench coat without sleeves, the moment I laid my eyes on it, and had to share it with you. These are the photos from the last day in Rome, we had breakfast and went to Vatican Museum, I showed you all of it on SnapChat (TamaraKalinic). I even managed to take a sneaky photo of Sistine Chapel, which is hmm not allowed :) Let me know how would you style these pieces, I love reading your comments.
Hej dragi ljudi! Ja se vec spremam da napustim Srbiju (verujte mi imam i neke outfite odavde da vam pokazem), ali nisam mogla da ne postavim i ovu kombinaciju. Zaljubila sam se u River Island mantil bez rukava onog momenta kada sam ga ugledala i morala vam ga pokazati. Ovo su slike poslednjeg dana u Rimu, kada smo doruckovali i posetili muzej u Vatikanu. Sve sam vam pokazala na snapchatu (TamaraKalinic). Cak sam i uslikala krisom plafon Sikstinske kapele, sto hehe nije bilo dozvoljeno :) Obavezno mi recite kako vam se dopadaju ovi komadi i kako biste ih vi kombinovali, obozavam da citam vase komentare.
I wore: