12 Apr, 2015

Rips and Stripes


Sunday is a day for casual looks, right? Well not for me today, as today is Orthodox Easter, which means I am all glommed up and ready to go to town. On the other hand yesterday I took my new Dr.Martens for a walk for the first time, and you might think, wait what? But yes, when I was in Zagreb I got this gorgeous pair of boots which was made in collaboration Leilou by Aleksandra Dojcinovic for Dr.Martens and these ones were made specially for me with my initials. I love them so much, because I haven’t worn Dr.Martens in so long. You see being the youngest in the family means that I always looked up to my sister so much, and she had them in every colour. So finally for my 8th birthday I got a pair of white glam Dr.Martens and wore them until they fell apart. My sister being way cooler than me of course always loved them and is still a huge fan, but hey we can’t all be super cool, right? This look is super relaxed and casual, something I wore yesterday for fun around town. Hope you like it. Wishing Happy Easter to all of my amazing readers celebrating it today!

Nedelja je dan za opustene kombinacije, zar ne? Za mene danas nije, s obzirom da je Pravoslavni Uskrs sto znaci da sam se lepo obula, sredila i krecem u grad. S druge strane juce sam prvi put prosetala moje nove Dr.Martens cizme po gradu, a mozda cette se sada zacuditi otkud bas meni ove cizme. Kada sam bila u Zagrebu povodom Leilou revije, dobila sam par posebno pravljen sa mojim inicijalima koji je iz kolekcije Aleksandra Dojcinovic za dr.Martens. Jako sam se obradovala jer Martine nisam nosila jako dugo. S obzirom da sam najmladja u porodici to je podrazumevalo ogromno ugledanje na sestru-svi vi mladji dete razumeti, a ona ih je imala u svim bojama. Za moj 8.rodjendan konacno sam dobila moje prve glam dr.Martens cizme koje sam nosila uz cvetne haljinice dok se nisu totalno raspale. Naravno posto je moja sestra mnogo vise cool i u svakom pogledu originalnija od mene, ona ih je uvek volela i voli ih i dan danas, ali hej, ne mozemo svi bas biti toliko cool, zar ne? Ova kombinacija je opustena, bezbrizna, nesto sto sam juce obukla za setnju gradom. Nadam se da vam se dopada i zelim Srecan Uskrs svim mojim dragim citateljima koji ga slave danas. Христос воскресе!













I wore: