I am in the mood for pastels all year round, but spring seems like a perfect time when we can really wear nude and pretty colours to the max. This Reiss trench coat is a star piece in this combination, because everything else is something we all have in the wardrobe, which once again proves how important it is to have that spring-perfect outerwear. I love how it adds a bit of elegance to a simple white top and a pair of boyfriend jeans. As it seems jackets are what I am most obsessed about recently. Do you guys have a particular piece you seem to be attracted to lately? I am so excited to have 4 days of work from home, as we are at the start of Easter holidays in England. Its so nice, because everyone seems more relaxed, happy and peaceful, Im gonna make sure to catch up with sleep and my gym habits :)
Trenutno mi paznju najvise privlace pastelne boje, iskreno volim ih cele godine, ali prolece je najbolje vreme da ih nosimo koliko zelimo. Ovaj Reiss mantil je zvezda cele kombinacije, a sve ostalo je nesto jednostavno sto svi mi imamo u ormanima. Ta cinjenica jos jednom dokazuje da su jakne ili mantilici zaista najbitniji deo kombinacije na prolece ili jesen, jer njima mozee osveziti i najobicnije farmerice i belu majicu. Da li vi imate neke omiljene komade kojima osvezavate kombinacije? Jako sam uzbudjena jer cu ostati kod kuce narednih 4-5dana, s obzirom da je u Engleskoj Uskrs, te nista ne radi od danas do utorka. Svi su opusteniji, srecniji, opusteniji, a ja cu da se naspavam i da posetim teretanu malo cesce :)
I wore: