Hey lovely people! Before I head out I wanted to publish this video on my blog too, as I have received many emails that you guys found it so useful. I am about to film many more videos and tutorials just in the process of figuring out how is the best way to do it, so I am testing the equipment and taking your feedback. When it comes to my next video, its coming on tonight, but I will also be filming a Q&A video this weekend, so ask me anything in the comments below or on Twitter and instagram using hashtag #AskTamara :)
Cao dragi moji! Pre nego sto napustim kucu i krenem na “posao” haha, zelela sm da postavim ovaj video i na blog jer sam primila mnogo komentara kako vam se dopao i mejlove da vam je ovaj video zaista koristio. Jos cu snimiti tutorijala i videa, jer mislim da su mi oni omiljeni, ali sam u fazi testiranja opreme da vidim sta je najbolje za to. Sledeci video ce biti na kanalu veceras, a ovaj vikend snimam i pitanja i odgovore, zato me pitajte bilo sta ispod ovog posta ili na twitteru i instagramu sa hashtagom #AskTamara :)