One thing I really can’t stand are unproductive days. I am not sure why, because we all need to rest of course, but the feeling when I accomplished a lot ant compare to anything else, which is why the feeling when I haven’t done much is just horrible. Sometimes I would get a lazy day, when I just wanna watch series, browse instagram, watch youtube and not do much. Its hard to even go downstairs to the kitchen because all I want to do is roll from one side of the bed to the other. Usually by the end of the day like this I feel even lazier, pretty moody too, because I dislike when I am having a day like this.
The thing is though, I don’t feel energised enough to do stuff, people say have a cold shower, do something but I just find it really difficult to bite the bullet and do so. That is when I decided to make a list of things that help me move on lazy days. Hope they help you too!
1.Exercise! I generally have low blood pressure which sometimes makes me a little bit sluggish and unproductive. I call it hibernation mode. If I have a busy day a had with a lot of tasks, but feel lazy, I start the day with a short but intense work out, which doesn’t tire me, but it makes me move. It gets my blood moving, and once its done I have a shower and I am energised for the full schedule.
2.Get Organised. Knowing I have a lot of stuff to do, but its all unorganised puts me off. Messy desk, huge pile of clothes in front of the wardrobe, makeup everywhere, that can make me feel sluggish and not ready to work, because I know I can’t work in the mess and that I have to sort it all out before I start. If you have a busy day ahead, either tidy everything night before and prepare materials needed to work.
3.Make a To-Do-List.Knowing what you have to do always helps, as you can see it on the paper as a reminder that you need to move from that sofa. Its good because rather than constantly remembering new things you are supposed to do, you can have it all in front of you without feeling overwhelmed.
4.Add sugar to that bitter tea. When I have many emails to reply to, or a lot of administrative work to do, I often make a big cup of my favourite tea, a really nice cup of coffee or fruit salad. This helps me, as it adds something nice to a boring chore. I could also play my favourite album, or a TV show while editing photos, and that helps a lot. I call it adding something sweet to something bitter to make it more interesting.
5.Give yourself deadlines. I always do this. I must organise my wardrobe by Tuesday, and finish emails on Sunday night. I must shoot videos on Monday etc… Giving myself deadlines is something I recently discovered and keeps me from having the same task on my mind for weeks. I take these deadlines seriously and they keep me moving.
Feeling low and not so excited about long lists of chores is totally normal. We all have those days and you should not blame yourself for feeling lazy. That is why unproductive days need an action plan and this is what mine looks like. Hope this helps some of you, and if you have any tips on how you stay energised please let me know.
Jedna stvar koja me najvise nervira su neproduktivni dani. Nisam sigurna zasto, jer znam da svi treba da se odmorimo s vremena na vreme, ali posto je osecaj kada mnogo obavim sjajan, osecaj kada nista ne uradim je nekako nezadovoljavajuci. S vremena na vreme se osecam kao da je neko bacio lenje cini na mene, zelim samo da lezim u krevetu, gledam serije, gledam instagram, youtube i nista korisno ne obavim. Bude mi tesko i da sidjem dole do kuhinje, jer sve sto zelim je da se okrenem sa jednog boka na drugi. Do kraja dana se osecam jos lenje i upadnem u lose raspolozenje jer ne volim kada sam ovakva, s obzirom da se to bas retko desava.
Cinjenica je da se osecam kao da nemam dovoljno energije da se mrdnem. Ljudi kazu da hladan tus pomaze ali ja nekako ne mogu ni da pomislim na to. Zato sam odlucila da napravim listu stvari koje mi uvek pomazu kada imam ovakve dane, nadam se da ce i vama pomoci!
1.Vezbanje! Inace imam nizak krvni pritisak i zbog toga se ponekad osecam usporeno. Ovo nazivam periodom hibernacije. Ako imate prilicno gust raspored ispred sebe ali se osecate lenjo, ja predlazem da dan pocnete kratkom kardio vezbanjem. U mom slucaju ovo uvek pokrene sve i nakon tusiranja osecam se spremnom za nove radne pobede.
2.Budite organizovani. Kada znam da imam mnogo toga da obavim ali zivim u haosu, samo zelim da se vratim u krevet. Neuredan sto, odeca ispred ormana, gomila kozmetike za slaganje, pretrpane fioke, sve ovo me usporava i opterecuje jer ne znam odakle da krenem. Pre nego sto pocnete dan pun obaveza, organizujte svoj prostor, zapocnite dan sa urednom i organizovanom radnom sredinom.
3.Napravite listu obaveza. Kada znam sta treba da uradim i imam podsetnik ispred sebe osecam se mnogo lakse, nego kada non stop razmisljam o tome i pre nego zavrsim jedno setim se sledeceg. Lista mi pomaze da se ne osecam preoptereceno obavezama i mogu da se fokusiram na svaki zadatak pojedinacno.
4.Dodajte secer gorkom caju. Kada imam mnogo mejlova ili administrativnog suvoparnog posla, cesto napravim veliku solju omiljenog caja, kafe ili napravim vocnu salatu. Ovo dodaje malo boje crno-beloj rutini i zasladi sve te dosadne zadatke. Kada editujem slike ili radim neke kreativne poslove cesto u isto vreme gledam omiljenu seriju ili slusam muziku. Bas zato mi ovi zadaci lakse padaju, jer zaslade gorak caj.
5.Dajte sebi rok. Ovo uvek radim. Moram organizovati garderober do utorka, moram zavrsiti mejlove do nedelje. Videe snimam u ponedeljak. Sebi dam rok za svaki zadatak koji treba biti obavljen i na taj nacin ih ne prenosim nedeljama. Mislim da je najgore kada imate jedan zadatak koji stalno vucete jer vas ovo opterecuje i ne da vam da se pomerite sa tacke A. Vratite tu knjigu u biblioteku i ne razmisljajte vise o njoj.
Osecaj lenjosti i neraspolozenja je normalan kada imate mnogo zadataka ispred sebe. Svi imamo takve dane i zbog toga se nemojte okrivljivati. Zato mislim da neproduktivni dani zahtevaju plan i akciju kojom cete ih pobediti. Nadam se da vam je moj plan pomogao i ako imate i vi neke savete, podelite ih sa mnom.