13 Mar, 2015

More from PFW


I know that many of you messaged me you can’t wait for this look to finally be on the blog, so here it is. A fashion version of the white swan was what I wore during the Paris fashion week and I must admit I felt great in this outfit. The pastel colour combination suits my personality much better than anything else. As the dress is the central piece and so beautiful I decided to keep everything else simple yet still classic and picked some good quality pieces like the match Valentino rock studs and the off white Reiss coat. As I am returning back home from this month of travelling I must admit I am very excited to sum it all up and after I have shown you all the outfits I will make a little overview of all I wore and what I think was my favourite. Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy in more looks that will be uploaded from Paris.

Mnogi od vas su mi pisali kako ne mozete da docekate da ova kombinacija osvane na blogu, tako da sam radosna sto je konacno tu. Modna verzija belog labuda je nesto sto sam nosila tokom Pariske nedelje mode i moram priznati da sam se odlicno osecala u ovome. Pastelne boje pristaju mom karakteru bolje nego bilo sta drugo. Posto je ova haljina centralni komad nisam zelela da dodajem nista sto bi moglo odvuci paznju te sam je kombinovala sa jednostavnim, ali ipak klasicnim komadima dobrog kvaliteta, kao sto su Reiss kaput i Valentino rockstud torba i cipele. Upravo se vracam kuci sa jednomesecnog putovanja i moram priznati da sam jako srecna i uzbudjena da slozim sve utiske i da onda na blogu napisem post koji ce biti sumarizacija svega sto sam prozivela od Njujorka do sada. Do tada, opustite se, udobno se smestite i uzivajte u ostalih par outfita iz Pariza.

Photo by WebStyleStory








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