27 Mar, 2015

New In || Valentino 1973 Chevron Bag


I don’t think I did one of these in a while, or maybe time just flies really fast and I tend to forget. You had an opportunity to see my new Céline tie bag on my instagram, and currently it’s all I’ve been carrying around. But there are few more novelties in my wardrobe/vanity that I wanted to share with you. I was eyeing up this Valentino bag since last November when I saw it first at their press day, and finally can say its mine, thanks to Forzieri. After searching the internet a little bit I realised that Forzieri buying team really does their job well, not only that they have a large selection of bags, shoes and accessories, but its also good that they are all appropriate for my age, pieces that are picked are young and fresh which is hard to find lately. I am obsessing over few different Valentino pieces, and if you also have a dream bag that you would like to win, make sure to check out my instagram where you could win designer goodies worth of 1500$ ! Good luck :)
Now all I need is warm weather and then I will be able to wear this gorgeous piece with some colourful items, Cant Wait!

Mislim da nisam napisala jedan ovakav post vec neko vreme, a mozda i jesam ali vreme brzo leti postova je mnogo pa mi se samo cini. Imali ste priliku videti moju novu Céline Tie torbu na instagramu i to je tenutno torba koju najcesce nosim. Ali ima tu jos noviteta u mom garderoberu a i kozmetickom kutku. Gledala sam ovu Valentino torbu od proslog novembra kada sam je prvi put videla na prezentaciji za medije. Sada konacno mogu reci da je moja, zahvaljujuci Forzieri sajtu. Nakon sto sam pretrazivala internet sa sigurnoscu mogu reci da Forzieri ima najbolji tim kupaca za sajt, jer su stvari na ovom sajtu veoma pomno odabrane za mladju populaciju, ne previse klasicne i ono sto se meni najvise dopada je sto uvek mogu naci zanimljive boje. Trenutno mi je na radaru par Valentino stvarcica, a ukoliko i vi zelite da imate svoju torbu iz snova, obavezno otidjite na moj instagram gde mozete ucestvovati u nagradnoj igri i osvojiti torbu u vrednosti 1500$ ! Srecno :)
Sada sve sto mi treba jeste suncano vreme jer jedva cekam da nosim ovu torbu sa odecom veselih boja!



YSL Came up with a new Rock Lace pieces which I thought is divine. Besides the packaging (which is gorgeous least to say), I absolutely love the colours of the compact eyeshadow palette, just imagine how well it will compliment the tan, and pretty spring and summer days. This peachy and coral coloured palette is called YSL Couture Palette Rock Resille Edition, and will of sure be one of my best friends for spring and summer days. In the photo above you can also see some of my favourite lip products lately, YSL Volupte Tint-in-Oil which I love because of their moisturising and high lip nourishing ability while adding shine and colour to my lips. Can it get any better?

YSL je izbacio novih par komada u svojoj prolecnoj kolekciji i meni se Rock Lace najvise dopada. Osim pakovanja koje je genijalno, takodje mi se dopadaju boje u paleti, samo zamislite kako ce lepo izgledati ova boja kajsije na kapcima uz malo bronzera. Mislim da ce to biti moj omiljeni makeup look za prolece. Paleta se zove YSL Couture Palette Rock Resille Edition. Na slici iznad mozete videti i nova YSL ulja za usne koja neguju kozu usana ali istovremenu im daju i lepu boju. Ne moze biti bolje, zar ne?



Second look I have been sporting mostly in the evenings is created with few Tom Ford pieces from their spring collection. Now Tom Ford is for sure make up brand I could live on, its innovative and of extremely high quality. A lot of my holly grail products got swapped by some of the recently tried Tom Ford ones, and that certainly includes the Eye Liner and Eye Brow Pencil. But to tell you more about their spring palettes, they can be used dry or wet. and to explain more about this I will create a makeup tutorial, but until then just look at these gorgeous Duo palettes. One lighter shade which is perfect for either highlighting around the eye, or for applying all over, and one darker for the creese, or creating that perfect smokey look with a hint of metallic. What I really love about the colours above is that even though they have green and purple iridescence to it, they are NOT too pearly or too coloured looking once you apply. They just throw the most gorgeous reflection in the right light. Above pictured are Raw Jade and Ripe Plum. Also look perfect worn with my favourite Tom Ford lip sticks.

Za vecernje izlaske i vecere sam cesto birala kozmetiku iz Tom Ford prolecne kolekcije. Znate da je Tom Ford brend koji mi je apsolutno dovoljan, te da ako bih se odlucila za samo jedan brend to bi bio ovaj,jer mislim da su inovativni i da su proizvodi visokog kvaliteta. Mnoge od proizvoda koje sam koristila godinama zamenila sam bas proizvodima ovog brenda, ukljucujuci i olovku za obrve kao i eye liner. Ipak, da vam kazem malo vise o prolecnoj kolekciji, zaljubila sam se u ove senke koje mozete aplicirati mokre ili suve. U svakoj od Duo paleta mozete naci svetliju i tamniju nijansu, te s njima mozete napraviti sto dnevni sto vecernji izgled. Apliciram ih mokrom cetkicom radi intezivnijeg izgleda, ali i zato sto onda dobijem suptilan odsjaj koji mi se veoma dopada. Na slici mozete videti nijanse Raw Jade i Ripe Plum, rado ih koristim sa omiljenim Tom Ford ruzevima.



To finish the post off I wanted to talk about few tools that I have been using like crazy recently. Yes, I am talking about these Real Techniques brushes from the Bold Metals collection. The moment I opened them I was very impressed with the quality, and my favourite must be this foundation brush. With unique shape it reaches well corners of your eyes, nose, and makes it a lot easier to apply that foundation properly. In the photo above you can see that I loved using the brushes with some neutral tones lately, as I am loving the tan look for every day now, a little bit of bronzer and earthy tones on lips and eyes.

Da zavrsim htela sam  da spomenem i nove cetkice koje koristim cesto u poslednje vreme. Da pricam o Real Techniques cetikicama iz Bold Metals kolekcije. Onog trenutka kada sam ih otpakovala ostala sam impresionirana kvalitetom i ova cetkica za puder mi je favorit od dve prikazane iznad. Njen oblik i coskovi je cine prakticnom za upotrebu. Na slici iznad takodje mozete videti da sam u poslednje vreme cesto koristila i neutralne tonove , dopada mi se preplanuli izgled, kao i neutralne boje na ocima i usnama.