Photo by Marija Andric Photography
Hey my loves, I am just about to get on my train to Paris, and before I do that I wanted to publish this post. On the last day in Milan I felt particularly happy and good because I knew that it was a successful trip. Following the MSGM backstage I watched the show, which was full of colourful prints and interesting shapes. I took many photos in the backstage to show you all what it looks like as I hope you will be able to feel the backstage atmosphere. What was your favourite look from Milano? Hope you will follow my Paris adventures on instagram and I am excited to tell you what happens next!
Cao dragi moji, ja upravo ulazim u voz za Pariz, a pre nego to uradim htela sam da objavim post. Poslednji dan u Milanusam bila posebno srecna jer sam znala da je putovanje proslo zaista uspesno. Nakon jutarnje kafe usledela je MSGM revija pre koje sam isla i u backstage o cemu cete videti poseban post. Imam mnogo slika koje zelim da podelim sa vama jer mislim da ce biti zanimljivo da osetite taj deo atmosfere. Koja vam se kombinacija iz Milana najvise dopala? Nadam se da cete pratiti moju avanturu iz Priza na instagramu a ja sam uzbudjena da vam vec otkrijem sta je sledece po rasporedu!
I wore: