Hello from Como. I arrived to this beautiful lake in north of Italy yesterday afternoon and its part of my birthday celebration. To be honest, fashion month was really good and rewarding but I feel like I deserved a two day break, before I head over to Zagreb for my next collaboration. I think that this gorgeous Alps mirror is the perfect place to replenish the energy and recharge my soul. We checked in gorgeous Grand Hotel Tremezzo and are staying in Belaggio Suite with view and private terrace. Here is a little sneak a peek of view and this morning, including my birthday present I still didn’t reveal!
Javljam vam se iz gradića Komo. Stigla sam na ovo prelepo jezero, na severu Italije, juce popodne i ovo putovanje je deo mog rodjendanskog slavlja. Da budem iskrena, iako je modni mesec bio zaista odlican za moje poslovne poduhvate, sada osecam potrebu da se odmorim dva dana, bar pre nego otputujem za Zagreb povodom sledece saradnje. Mislim da je ovo Alpsko ogledalo savrseno mesto za odmaranje duse i tela. Odsela sam u hotelu Grand Hotel Tremezzo, u apartmanu Belaggio koji ima najneverovatniji pogled i privatnu terasu. Za pocetak par slika od ovog jutra, ukljucujuci moj rodjendanski poklon koji jos nisam otkrila!