Hello 26! Its almost hard to explain what a birthday lover I am, but since this is another Monday Confessions post, I decided I will tell you a whole story that you probably never knew about me.
I will start with a little digression, I was supposed to be born on the 19th of March, however my father just couldn’t wait anymore. He took my mother to the hospital on 15th of March where he agreed with the doctors that they will induce her and start the labour. My mum was obviously unaware, but she also was pretty excited to meet this person that would turn out to be her best friend for years to come.
With all of that drama being sorted, I was born on the 15th of March, or shall I say 16th as my time of birth was 00:00, something they said they haven’t encountered before, so everyone was a little bit confused what date of birth should be written in my documents. My mum made the decision and by that made me a whole day younger by the book.
Every single birthday was so important to me, and yes its very usual for children to be excited about their birthdays, cake, presents, but I was always excited just for the fact that it was my birthday. I would ask my mum on the 17th of March (day after my birthday) what are we doing for my special day next year, and she would always laugh at me, and find it hilarious that one has only just gone by and I am already so excited for the next one.
My sister thinks I should absolutely tell you how much I hated people taking photos of me. In fact when I turned 10, I got really told off by my mum, as I “wasn’t smiling properly” in the photos. She wanted me to pose with this wonderful cake, but all I wanted to do was to play with the other kids. Taking photos was such a chore, and I could never master the “smile which looks natural”. No one even dreamed that 12 years later I would be taking photos on daily basis and love doing it. Thanks mum for pushing me do what I didn’t feel comfortable doing, sometimes its very important.
I come from a very loving family, which you could probably gather by the fact that my father couldn’t wait for just those 3-4 extra days to meet me, and since my parent are truly my best friends and my sister my soul mate. But lets not try to be soppy. Its not just my birthday that is important to me, I was raised in such a loving way, that not only do I value my own special day, I also love spoiling my friends on their day. I think that everything you do in life comes from the way you were raised. I was raised to work hard, to be ambitious, and to love with all of my heart. Which is why I can also receive the love and feel the incredible support you have given me today…
As I was heading to the airport, I stared out of the window and started thinking how much has happened for me since the 25th birthday. Wow, all of those opportunities, blog collaborations, trips, personal ups and downs, mistakes, lessons and achievements. I managed to reflect on all I have done and realised I never felt so alive and so human. I decided to work hard but stay humble always, its something extremely important to me, and I told you this in my last post. I decided to set a new set of goals, and to reflect on it when I turn 27. Age doesn’t scare me, it excites me, because every year brings something new. You win some you lose some, but what counts is the overall message you take with you.
I wanted to give you this personal note on my birthday, because I think that you are a big part of my life, and I know I said this many times before, but I could not be more grateful for every single one of you. I turned 26, I gained many stamps in my passport over the last year, many blisters on my feet from walking from meeting to meeting, many memories from everyday living, many photos and videos content were created, I made many friends along the journey, but what makes every year better is the army of you I have behind me, love of my family and friends and huge heart that I will always have open for you. It truly is a happy birthday to me, and I hope we will have many many fun moments together in next 366 days- that is how long I have to make those wishes I have come true.
Zdravo 26-a! Skoro je tesko objasniti koliko ja volim rodjendane, ali posto je moj rodjendan bas pao na ponedeljak, odlucila sam da napisem jednu malu ispovest i par stvari koje sigurno niste znali o meni.
Pocecu sa malom digresijom, trebala sam se roditi 19. marta, medjutim moj otac zaista nije mogao iscekati taj dan. Odvezao je moju majku u porodiliste 15. marta i dogovorio se sa doktorima da izazovu porodjaj par dana ranije. Moja majka naravno nije znala nista o tome, ali je bila uzbudjena da upozna osobu koja ce par godina kasnije postati njen vecni najbolji prijatelj.
Kada se sva prasina slegla, ja sam dosla na svet, 15. marta ili ipak 16., s obzirom da sam rodjena u 00:00 casova, nesto za sta su doktori i sestre rekli da se nije pre desilo, pa nisu znali koji dan da upisu u dokumente. Moja majka je napravila odluku i time me ucinila mladjom za ceo jedan dan- bar na papiru.
Svaki rodjendan je bio veoma bitan i iako je veoma karakteristicno za decu da se raduju kolacima, torti, rodjendanima, poklonima, ja sam se radovala samoj cinjenici da mi je rodjendan. Pitala bih moju mamu 17. marta (dan posle rodjendana) sta cemo raditi na moj dan sledece godine. Ona bi mi se uvek nasmejala i smatrala tu moju nestrpljivost veoma simpaticnom. Ovo se nikada nije promenilo, cak i posle 20. i 23. godine i dalje sam se radovala rodjendanu, a ne moram vam ni govoriti o ludnici koja se odvijala u mojoj kuci sinoc,jer sam brojala minut i bila uzbudjena. Po tome sam i dalje veliko dete, raduju me svi datumi koji moju porodicu vezuju i pokazuju koliko je nasa ljubav jaka.
Moja sestra misli da treba da vam ispricam kako sam jedne godine dobila i batine na rodjendan. Zapravo poenta price je da nisam podnosila slikanje na ovaj dan. Htela sam samo da se igram i da uzivam u danu, ali to nije isto sto i vasi roditelji misle. Ne samo da mi fotkanje nije islo od ruke, nego nikako nisam mogla da savladam taj “prirodni osmeh za slikanje”. Prkosila sam roditeljima i nisam htela da se slikam, sto je naravno imalo posledice. Ko bi rekao da 12 godina kasnije slikam po 50-300 slika dnevno i uzivam u tome. Hvala ti mama sto si me terala da radim i nesto u cemu nisam bila dobra od starta, ponekad je bitno suociti se sa stvarima koje vam ne idu od ruke.
Poticem iz porodice koja je puna ljubavi, sto ste verovatno shvatili jer moj tata nije mogao da isceka 3-4 dodatna dana da me upozna, takodje iz cinjenice sto su mi roditelji najbolji prijatelji a sestra srodna dusa. Ali da se ne raznezim previse, zelela sam da kazem da nije samo moj rodjendan dan koji mi je bitan. Odrasla sam na takav nacin da volim da slavim i datume bitne drugim ljudima, da se veselim tudjim uspesima i mislim da zaista sve potice iz porodice. Nikada ne bih kinjila druge ljude jer sam naucena da je covek najsrecniji kada voli, zato se zaista nesebicno razbacujem ovom emocijom i uzivam u tome.
Dok sam putovala ka aerodromu danas gledala sam kroz prozor i razmisljala koliko sam toga prozivela u poselednjih godinu dana. Wow, sve te mogucnosti, situacije, saradnje, putovanja, licni usponi i padovi, greske, lekcije i uspesi. Uspela sam da napravim malo poredjenje i da razmislim gde sam bila prosle godine i gde sam sada. Nikada se nisam osecala zivlje i nikada se vise nisam osecala realno, nekako stvarno. Jedno od mojih najvecih ponosa je to sto radim mnogo ali to sto cu uvek ostati cvrsto na zemlji i o vaznosti toga sam vam pricala u prethodnom postu. Odlucila sam da zacrtam nove ciljeve i da o njima razmislim kada napunim 27. Godine me ne plase, vec me uzbudjuju, svaka godina donosi nesto novo. Nekada izgubite nekada dobijete, ali najbitnija je ona poruka koju na kraju nosite sa sobom.
Htela sam da napisem ovu licnu poruku i da vam se obratim na svoj rodjendan, jer mislim da ste ogroman deo mog zivota. Kao sto sam rekla mnogo puta pre, neizmerno sam zahvalna sto vas imam u zivotu. Napunila sam 26, skupila mnogo pecata u pasosu, mnogo zuljeva na nogama od hodanja sa sastanka na sastanak, mnogo uspomena iz raznih avantura, mnogo slika i videa iz kreativnog dela mene, ostvarila mnoga prijateljstva ali ono sto moj zivot cini jos lepsim ste vi, moja vojska, ljubav moje porodice i prijatelja i veliko srce koje imam a koje je otvoreno za vas. Zaista mi je srecan rodjendan i nadam se da cemo zajedno stvoriti mnogo divnih uspomena u narednih 366 dana- toliko imam da ostvarim sve ono sto sam pozelela kada sam danas ugasila svecice.