11 Mar, 2015

Backstage with MAC Cosmetics

PicMonkey Collage

When I was a child my family would often to theatre. Even then I used to dream and wonder what the backstage looked like, and how would actors be preparing before each and every play. Nowadays I am attending different kind of shows and still love it when I get a chance to visit the backstage of a fashion show to see designers, stylists, makeup artists, assistants and of course models all work their magic in excitement and anticipation of the show. Thanks to MAC Cosmetics I visited few different backstages and had a chance not only to see all of the mentioned above but also to learn some new makeup trend. As soon as I get back home I will start working on those,but in the meanwhile I wanted to share some photos with you which I thought could be interesting for you too and share a piece of the atmosphere.
Photos were taken with my Lumix G The One camera before the MSGM show, as you can see in some of the photos, the look was very simple, fresh face and youthful look. Artists applied MAC eyegloss in Lightly Tauped on top and lower lids which seems to be a big trend this season, no mascara was used (also no mascara was used in the Moschino show). This 30s retro look was completed with the liquid lipsticks in Tailored to Tease and Quite the Standout. I think everyone is going more and more simple yet feminine with make up this season, and if you are interested in a full report, or a video tutorial on what I liked the most this season, let me know in the comments below!

Kada sam bila mala, cesto sam isla sa roditeljima u pozoriste. Jos onda sam sanjala da vidim kako se glumci pripremaju za predstave i uvek bila znatizeljna oko celog procesa. U poslednjih mesec dana posecivala sam drugacije predstave, ovog puta su to bile modne revije i bila sam veoma srecna sto mi se ukazala prilika da posetim backstagenekih od najcuvenijih modnig revija te pokupim male trikove umetnika. Ono sto je zajednicko pre svake revije jeste da dizajneri, stilisti, sminkeri, asistenti i naravno modeli rade u timu i dele uzbudjenje u iscekivanju revije. Zahvaljujuci MAC Cosmetics timu imala sam priliku da posetim nekoliko razlicitih backstage-ova i stasta novo videla. Cim dodjem kuci probacu neke od novih trendova i metoda sminkanja, ali u medjuvremenu sam htela da podelim sa vama ove slike, jer mislim da je atmosfera bila zaista nesvakidasnja.
Slikala sam mojom Lumix G The One kamerom pre MSGM revije, a kao sto mozete videti na nekim slikama, sminka je bila prilicno jednostavna, sveza baza i prilicno podmladjujuci izgled. Sminkeri su nanosili MAC sjaj za oci u nijansi Lightly Tauped na gornji i donji kapak, sto je veliki trend ove sezone, a potom nisu koristili maskaru (maskara je takodje izostala i sa Moschino revije). Ovaj retro izgled 30ih godina zavrsen je tecnim karminima Tailored to Tease i Quite the Standout. Mislim da je vecina brendova imala jednostavniju i zenstveniju sminku ove sezone. Ukoliko ste zainteresovani za tutorijal onoga sto mi se najvise dopalo tokom meseca mode, ostavite komentar a ja cu se baciti na snimanje cim se vratim kuci!











