2 Mar, 2015

Tips on Losing Excuses and Finding Success || Monday Confessions

Photo from my first season at MFW

I got so inspired in the past three weeks spending time constantly being surrounded by fashion, bloggers, industry top people, stylist, cameras, lights and work. I spoke to numerous people, more and less successful ones, and started realising that really successful people never make any excuses for them selves, whereas I found that those less successful are always finding reasons to why is it not really working out.

Few common examples that I am sure we all know are: I failed exam because I had a flu weeks before, I am not performing well at work because my colleagues distract me, I would like to be a blogger but I have a full time job or many exams to study for. Variations are there, but you get it…I would be more successful however the dog ate my homework. The worst thing about finding excuses for yourself is that you start believing in them overtime, which makes you really less successful.

Let me tell you about my experience. I was the one who: Always had a messy wardrobe because there was no space, couldn’t focus on blogging career because I had a job, couldn’t shoot an outfit because it rained and couldn’t go to the gym because it was too far. You know you can find an excuse for just about anything so why not try for a change and make an excuse for the excuse. Something like I can’t shoot outfit because its raining, but I really have to because this is the perfect chance to get those shots with my new umbrella. Just how its easy to find excuses not to do something, you should also have excuses to do stuff in order to drive yourself.

While working full time I really didn’t have much time for blogging. I didn’t hate my job,but it was just okay, and I was never a person that settles with okay. I want more. Of course my standard line was “I can’t really do blogging properly because I just don’t have enough time”, but I find an excuse for the excuse and told myself that unless I really devote to it fully I will never do full time what I want the most.Instead of quitting the job immediately to devote to blog. I first decided to devote to it in order to be able to quit the job. Makes sense?

The same is with those noisy construction workers while I was studying at home. They were not the reason to fail the exams, they were the reason to leave the house and study in the library-because you can always find the way around those problems that are on the way to success.

Exactly one year ago it was my first Milan Fashion Week experience. I did not really know how it worked over here, I loved it but nowhere as near as I am loving it today, because it was a lot of work and results were not as big as they are today. After all, I never used those hardships as an excuse, I worked hard and was motivated by my vision, to reach where I am this season. Only one year later, I feel very comfortable around the city, I know what I am doing and I worked towards enjoying the most coveted shows of the fashion week such as Cavalli, Moschino, MSGM, Philipp Plein and many others…

You will always have obstacles, because if success was easy to achieve everyone would be successful and the whole concept would not exist. The success depends on how good you are in overcoming those problems. Every year during fashion week I have people who help me around some blogging taste, many by taking photos, doing little jobs and so on… How many times do you think someone has cancelled on a photoshoot or didn’t turn up to work? Many! How many times do you think that has prevented me from shooting? None.

Just recently on my trip to New York photographer had a really full schedule and we couldn’t coordinate on certain days, I knew exactly that there is no time to panic there is only time to look for someone else, who can be there in next half an hour and shoot me, and guess what? That felt much better than explaining everyone why I didn’t do my work and why there are no results. This way results felt even better, because besides the obstacles I still made it happen.

Its not always going to be easy to get on with issues you find along the way, to overcome them and get to results. Sometimes you will just have to face the failure, but then try and not give yourselves excuses, realise what led you to failure so that it never happens again. Don’t be too harsh on yourself, but make mistakes, accept, learn, implement and reach to the stars, because no matter what obstacle happened on the way- you sure can do it!


Toliko sam inspirisana dogadjajima od proteklih par nedelja, kao i cinjenicom da sam konstantno bila okruzena modom, blogerima, ljudima iz industrije, aparatima, stilistima, poslom. Razgovarala sam sa mnogim ljudima, uspesnim i manje uspesnim i shvatila sam da ono sto ih razlikuje jeste da uspesniljudi nikada ne traze i ne navode razloge svojih povremenih neuspeha, dok ih manje uspesni stalno isticu i pricaju o njima kao glavnim razlozima svog neuspeha.

Nekoliko primera koje ste sigurno i sami culi jesu: Pala sam ispit jer sam se prehladila par nedelja pre toga, nisam dobar na poslu jer mi kolege cesto odvracaju paznju, volela bih da budem bloger ali imam posao ili ispite koje spremam. NAravno ima tu varijacija, ali shvatate sta hocu da kazem… Ja bih bio uspesniji ALI pas mi je pojeo domaci. Najgora stvar kod pronalazenja izgovora oko svega jeste sto i sami pocnete da verujete u njih, sto vas automatski cini manje uspesnim.

Da vam ispricam o mom iskustvu. Ja sam bila ona koja je uvek imala prilicno haotican garderober jer nije imala mesta u njemu, ona koja nije mogla da se koncentrise u potpunosti na blogovanje jer je imala posao, ona koja nije mogla da slika outfit post jer napolju pada kisa i ona koja nije mogla da ide u teretanu jer je daleko. Znate, nas um moze pronaci izgovor za ama bas sve, pa zasto ga ne bismo iskoristili da pronadje izgovor za izgovor. Na primer, ne mogu da slikam danasnji outfit jer pada kisa, ali bas zato moram jer mi je ovo jedinstvena prilika da pokazem taj novi kisobran. Kao sto pronadjete izgovor da nesto ne uradite, nadjite izgovor da biste nesto uradili i na taj nacin sebe gurali sto vise.

Dok sam radila puno radno vreme nisam imala mnogo vremena za blogovanje. Nisam mrzela moj posao ali je bio jednostavno okej, a ja nisam osoba kojase zadovoljava sa okej. Ja hocu vise. Naravno standardni izgovor je bio “Ne mogu biti dobar bloger jer jednostavno nemam dovoljno vremena”, ali sam nasla izgovor za ovaj izgovor i rekla sebi da ukoliko se ne posvetim potpuno nikada necu moci da radim ono sto volim vise od svega. Umesto da napustim moj posao kako bih se posvetila blogu, posvetila sam se blogu kako bih kasnije napustila posao. Shvatate sada u cemu je stos?

Isto je bilo sa bucnim gradjevinskim radom na mojoj zgradi dok sam ucila za zavrsne ispite. Buka nije bila razlog da padnem ispit, vec je bila razlog da odem u biblioteku i tamo ucim jos vise. Uvek mozete naci resenje za problem koji stoji izmedju vas i uspeha.

Pre tacno godinu dana dosla sam prvi put na Milano fashion week. Nisam znala kako to ovde funkcionise, uzivala sam u svakom treutku, ali ne u istoj meri koliko uzivam danas, jer sam tada radila mnogo ali nisam ubirala toliko plodova. Ipak, sve poteskoce me nisu zaustavile u nameri, radila sam mnogo jer sam bila motivisana sopstvenom vizijom kojoj sam se priblizila znantno ove sezone. Samo godinu dana kasnije, u Milanu se sjajno osecam, vidim ogroman napredak i imala sam priliku da uzivam u najbitnijim revijama kao sto su Cavalli, Moschino, MSGM, Phillip Plein i mnoge druge…

Poteskoca ce uvek biti, jer kada bi do uspeha bilo lako doci ceo koncept bi bio izgubljen. Uspeh zavisi od toga koliko ste dobri u prelazenju preko poteskoca i ustajanju posle padova. Svakog fashion week-a imam ljude oko sebe koji mi pomazu kako bi sve proslo bez problema, uglavnom zbogo fotografisanja, manjih poslova koje ja ne mogu da obavim itd. Koliko puta mislite da je neko otkazao slikanje ili se nije pojavio? Mnogo! Koliko puta mislite da me je ovo zaustavilo u poslu? Nijednom.

Bas skoro pri mojoj poslednjoj poseti Njujorku forotgraf i ja nismo mogli uskladiti rasporede jedan dan. Znala sam da nema mesta ni vremena za paniku, te sam umesto trazenja izgovora trazila drugog fotografa. Za pola sata vec sam bila na lokaciji sa fotografom i na pola slikanja. Ne samo da sam se sjajno osecala sto nisam morala da objasnjavam svima zasto nema slika, vec je uspeh bio i mnogo lepsi, osecala sam se fenomenalnosto sam ipak ostvarila ono sto sam naumila.

Nije uvek jednostavno predvazici prepreke, te doci do rezultata. Nekada jednostavno morate da se suocite i sa neuspehom, ali onda pokusajte da ne posustajete pred izgovorima, shvatite sta vas je tacno dovelo do neuspeha da se isto ne bi ponovilo. Nema potrebe ni da budete prestrogi prema sebi, pravite greske, prihvatite, ucite, primenite, pruzite ruke ka zvezdama, probajte da ih uhvatite, jer bez obzira na sve poteskoce koje iskoce na putu do uspeha- sigurna sam da ga mozete ostvariti!