We all have dreams and goals, but staying motivated can be a right issue, specially when you are exhausted to start with and your to do list is 3 pages long with only one person to complete it all-yourself.
You heard it all before, what you think is what you attract, but how to think all those positive thoughts if you have three deadlines on the same day, your computer broke, your assistant gets ill and the biggest project you were hoping for is not happening. I suggest to take a big breath, get comfortable and start reading my tips on how to stay motivated.
I am certainly not an expert, but have the craziest schedule you can imagine, but do not feel any signs of burning out or lacking motivation.
1.Visualise your goal or dream very clearly. To stay motivated you need to visualise exactly what you want to achieve. It can’t be a brief outline of “I want to be a good stylist”, it has to be very precise, right down to how it will feel, where would you work as that sort of feeling will keep you motivated for long period of time.
2.Make a list. Why do you want to achieve this goal? To buy a new house? To do what you love? When you write a list and have it in front of you in times of poor motivation it can help you focus and return to the right path. When you have a busy schedule and too much on your plate it can be hard to remember all of those reasons so have them somewhere handy. Writing the reasons manually and not typing them is also much more real and personal, not to mention that those reasons will feel much more important that way.
3.Have a strategy. Knowing how is always good, but knowing how even when the plan A doesn’t work out is something else. Being ready to change the course when things don’t work out is the best strength you can have, specially comparing to the biggest weakness human race has ever encountered-giving up.
4.Know how to deal with moments of low motivation. We all experience it. I sometimes (rarely but sometimes) go through moments of flagging motivation.I think about people who have faced more challenging situations yet still made it. I often read inspiring stories and success stories which motivate me. I have books, movies, songs that put me back onto the right track and that is my plan on how to defeat the low motivation days. Having a plan helps even here.
5.Break the goal down into smaller group of goals. Becoming a top fashion designer might not be something that can happen over night. You first need to be a top intern, then top assistant, then top assisting designer then a lot of other things until you get there where you want to be. Break your goal into smaller steps and goals which would be easier to achieve. Every time you achieve one you will feel a lot more motivated and happy about the bigger picture.
Keep checking in on reasons why you want to succeed even when you feel like its not working out. Steve Jobs really inspired me in his speech talking about what it means to be internally driven. Don’t make one peak over time, try to make a sustained and success because something that lasts longer also takes longer to achieve!
Svi mi imamo ciljeve i snove, ali je ponekad tesko biti motivisan, pogotovo kada ste iscrpljeni od posla, a vasa lista obaveza zauzima 3 cele stranice.
Sve ste vec to pre culi, ono sto nas cini su sopstvene misli, privlacimo ono o cemu razmisljamo i sve to zvuci sjajno, ali kako se koncentrisati na misli kada imate tri roka u jednom danu, kompjuter vam crkne, asistent se razboli a veliki projekat na kom ste radili se ipak nece desiti. Predlazem da udahnete duboko, smestite se udobno i pocnete citati moje savete kako ostati motivisan.
Ja nisam ekspert, ali trenutno imam najludji moguci raspored koji ne mozete ni da zamislite, ipak ne osecam da mi motivacije ponestaje ili da mi energija gori bespotrebno.
1.Zamislite svoj cilj veoma jasno. Da bi ostali motivisani morate svaki detalj dobro proziveti u glavi. To ne moze biti samo generalna slika cilja, ili par reci “zelim biti dobar stilista”, to mora biti precizno, do svega sto biste osetili, gde biste radili i kako, jer ce vas te emocije dodatno motivisati.
2.Napravite listu. Zasto zelite da ostvarite ovaj cilj? Da biste kupili novu kucu? Da biste radili ono sto volite? Kada napisete listu i drzite je u svom vidokrugu konstantno cete sebe podsecati na ono ka cemu tezite. Ovakav detalj ce vas vratiti na pravi put kada sidjete sa njega. Zbog napornog rasporeda nekada je lako zaboraviti sta je to sto zapravo zelite, pa neka vas ova lista podseti. Rucno pisanje a ne kucanje cesto ima veci znacaj, stoga ja licno preferiram ovu metodu.
3.Napravite strategiju. Lepo je znati kako doci do odredjenog cilja, ali znati kako postupii kada to ne uspe je jos vaznije. Biti spreman na promenu putanje kako biste ostvarili ono sto zelite je veliki korak ka uspehu. Adaptibilnost je najveca vrlina koju uspesan covek moze da poseduje, za razliku od najvece mane koja je-odustajanje pred preprekama.
4.Isplanirajte unapred kako cete se ponasati u momentima kada vam je zelja i motivacija slaba. Svi mi to dozivljavamo. Cak i ja (retko ali ipak se desi) prolazim kroz trenutke niske motivacije. Tada razmisljam o ljudima koji su uspeli a susretali se sa vecim preprekama od mene. Citam price koje me inspirisu, price o uspehu, citam njige, gledam filmove. Deo mog plana B je i repertoar sa muzikom, knjigama, programom koji me motivise kada god nisam pri najvecoj snazi. Ovo me uvek vrati na pravi put, a plan svakako pomaze.
5.Razbijte svoj cilj na nekoliko manjih. Ne mozete preko noci postati najpoznatiji modni dizajner. Prvo morate biti najbolji stazista, pa najbolji asistent, pa asistent dizajneru, korak po korak. Razbijanje velikog cilja na nekoliko manjih mi pomaze jer se svaki put obradujem kada nesto postignem. To me motivise i gura da idem samo dalje, napred.
Konstantno se podsecajte na razloge zbog kojih zelite da postignete to sto zelite, cak i onda kada mislite da vam to ne polazi za rukom. Steve Jobs me je zaista inspirisao u svom govoru kada je govorio o vaznosti unutrasnje motivacije i kako da sami sebe guramo. Nije poenta napraviti jedan dobar skok u karijeri, poenta je drzati stabilan uspeh, a da bi nesto opstalo dugo, mora se dugo i graditi!