Hey lovelies, what a cold day it was today, perfect for brightening it up with some new accessories and a big blanket like coat. You all know how much I love colour, and that is why this pretty much monochrome combination was spiced with my favourite shades of blue and red. I am still trying to finish off all the plans for fashion week season, and I can say that over 60% is over now, most of the clothes is also sorted and I should be planning more than 20 outfits this weekend. When travelling I like to be organised so that I don’t stress in such a busy time. Also putting outfits together is my absolute favourite thing to do, specially as I feel really inspired lately. This new Davidoff bag is super practical because it has two handy compartments, and I love the fact that my lap top is perfectly concealed inside. The shoulder strap makes it ideal friend for travelling too. Current favourite coat is this one I am wearing and to be honest, I don’t think I have to explain why, its warm and so oh solo gorgeous. Hope you like the outfit, and make sure to check out latest video on my YouTube channel.
Cao dragi moji, danas je bas bio leden dan, savrsen za veliki kaput koji izgleda kao cebe i nove detalje. Znate koliko volim boju i zato sam ovu monohromatsku kombinaciju zacinila mojim omiljenim nijansama crvene i plave. I dalje zavrsavam poslednje detalje sto se tice pitovanja sledeceg meseca, mislim da je vec preko 60% stvari reseno, vecina odece je spremna, samo treba da isplaniram koje cu outfite gde nositi. Kada putujem volim da budem jako organizovama, jer je ovo prilicno stresno vreme i ne zelim da mi neorganizacija otezava. Takodje biranje outfita, sklapanje kombinacija mi je omiljeni deo ovog procesa, jer je to ono u cemu najvise uzivam, moda i kreativnost. Ova nova Davidoff torba je jako prakticna, pogotovo zato sto ima dva odvojena dela koji se jednostavno otvaraju i zatvaraju. Osim sto mi je lap top stao u nju takodje mi se dopao i kais za rame, jer je to cini odlicnom za putovanja. Mislim da mi je ovaj plavi kaput trenutno omiljeni komad u garderoberu, a ne moram objasnjavati zasto, topao je i prelep. Nadam se da vam se kombinacija dopada, ne zaboravite da pogledate novi video na mom YT kanalu.
Check out whole Davidoff collection HERE
I wore: