1 Feb, 2015

My Pamper Routine || Spa At Home

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Sunday is the perfect day to post something like this! I think all of us deserve a spa day from time to time, and I decided to show you mine in a video. Things I do vary depending on a day and personal needs, sometimes I focus more on hair, sometimes on pedicure, but this time I decided to show you some of the general stuff I always do. I recently fell in love with Rodial Super Acids x-treme Acid Rush Peel, as after all the travelling and flying my skin became a little bit flaky and dry. I started using this chemical exfoliator, and noticed my skin looks brighter and much smoother. That totally makes sense because it contains Azelaic,GLycolic and Lactic acid all in one product, but also some secret ingredients that really plump the skin after use. I love using it in combination with Rodial Dragon’s Blood Eye Mask, as these pads give my eye area necessary hydration. I have a thing for eye masks, love using them, and think this one in particular really works, as effects are pretty instant. My spa at home means a lot of relaxation, moisturising and just not using the computer.

I love having a bath with a Lush bomb and some candles, exfoliation and moisturising is a key there too. I think a great way to exfoliate your skin can also be by making your own scrub in the kitchen, and all you need is a handful of salt and some olive oil to cover it. Then mix it together and you have the best body scrub. I moisturise my body with Kiehl’s Body Lotion, and my hands with Aveda Hand Treatment. Cuticle Butter by Lush is also great for dry cuticles and winter days. I love having my nails done with Red Carpet Gel System, I find it very easy to use and my manicure lasts much longer. Make sure to share with me your tips for Spa At Home. I would love to hear what is part of your routine.

Nedelja je savrsen dan za post poput ovog. Mislim da svi mi zasluzujemo jedan dan ili barem deo dana kada mozemo da se posvetimo sebi. Ja volim da napravim tu “spa” kod kuce atmosferu s vremena na vreme, a tretmani koje radim zavise od raspolozenja i potreba, nekada se vise posvetim kosi, nekada stopalima, ali u ovom videu sam vam pokazala neke generalne stvari. Nedavno sam se zaljubila u Rodial Super Acids x-treme Acid Rush Peel masku za lice, jer je moja koza nakon brojnih putovanja i letova avionom postala dosta suva i perutala se na nekim mestima. Pocela sam da koristim ovaj hemijski piling koji sadrzi azelaicnu, glikolnu i mlecnu kiselinu, sve u jednom proizvodu. Osim ovih sastojaka takodje sadrzi neke tajne proizvode koji kozu cine zategnutijom i lepsom. Rado je koristim u kombinaciji sa Rodial Dragon’s Blood maskom za kozu oko ociju. Ovi aplikatori zaista pruzaju neverovatno hudrataciju u kratkom roku. Kada zelim da se ulepsavam kod kuce to podrazumeva relaksaciju, hidrataciju i gasenje kompjutera.

Obozavam da napunim kadu i koristim Lash bombu za kupanje, tada uradim i piling tela. Mozete napraviti odlican piling i u kuhinji, ako u jednu solju stavite saku soli i prelijete je sa malo maslinovog ulja. Ovo ce ukloniti dobar deo mrtvih celija i omeksati vasu kozu. Trenutno mi je omiljeni losion za telo brenda Kiehl’s, a za ruke Aveda Hand Treatment. Lemony Flutter je krema za zanoktice koju vec godinama najradije koristim, pogotovo posle gel manikira koji sama sebi uradim kod kuce pomocu Red Carpet tehnologije. Obavezno podelite sa mnom vase savete i recite mi kako vi sebe negujete kod kuce.