15 Feb, 2015

NYFW Day 3


Day 3 of NYFW always starts with another favourite of the season Lacoste. This time again atmosphere at the show was just incredible, with a lot of playfulness and energy in the music and creations. As usually, you can read my few words about the collection below the post. I opted for a casual suit, and a more masculine look which is something very unusual for me, as I am such a girly girl, but since it was pretty cold, these layers turned out tone the best idea. Instead of heels I went for flat Lacoste boots, which not only are comfortable, but gave this look such a cool vibe, something I wanted to achieve. The photos turned out dreamy, because it just started snowing after the show. I hope you enjoy this look, I am off to explore New York, and attend some more shows today!

Treci dan NYFW poceo je jos jednim od mojih omiljenih brendova- Lacoste. I ove sezone je atmosfera na reviji bila sjajna, energeticna i razigrana, sto u musici koja je pratila sto u kreacijama. Kao i uvek, moju duzu recenziju mozete procitati ispod posta. Odlucila sam se za opusten look, nesto androgeno, sto je dosta van mog karaktera, jer obicno nosim zenstvenije kombinacije. Ipak, posto je bilo veoma hladno, ovi slojevi su bili fenomenalna ideja. Umesto stikli na nogama su bile ravne Lacoste cizme, koje ne samo da su usobne, vec su ovoj kombinaciji dale totalno cool notu, nesto sto sam htela da postignem. Slike su ispale tako sanjive, jer je sneg tek poceo da pada. Nadam se da vam se dopada kombinacija, ja idem da istrazujem Njujork i da nastavim sa danasnjim rasporedom!











PicMonkey Collage

Felipe Oliveira Baptista managed to surprise us again with Lacoste fall 2015 show. With a touch of 70ies and humour, models walked the catwalk in beautiful long, but structured pieces, such as vests and dresses, in beautiful winter royal colours. Besides the pieces which were unexpected and on trend, Lacoste also remained to its roots, with different tennis skirts and dresses which brand is known for. My favourite? Long great sleeveless coat, such a staple.

Felipe Oliviera Bapptista nas je iznenadio i ovog puta svojom Lacoste jesenjom kolekcijom. Sa dodirom 70ih i smislom ne samo za dizajn vec i za humor, kreacije u kojima su modeli prosetali bile su veoma neobicne poput dugackih majica i haljina interesantne strukture. Osim neocekivanih komada, bili su tu i neki klasicniji poput suknjica i haljina za tenis po kojima je brend prepoznatljiv. Moj omiljeni komad? Sivi dugacki mantil bez rukava, jedan savrsen komad.

I wore: