13 Feb, 2015

NYFW Day 1

Photo-Phillip Vn

Good morning my lovelies! First day of fashion week in New York is already behind us, and I must say I had a blast. After my first show of the season BCBG Maxazria, I enjoyed looking at Honor collection. My favourite looks and picks are below, but I also showed you some live-as usually on instagram. Luckily its not as cold as I was thinking, or is it just about to get really cold. Not really sure, but for the first day of activities I picked this gorgeous Valentino skirt from the Outnet, which I then layered and spiced up with some clashing prints. After shooting this look I headed to the one of most mesmerising private apartments at The Plaza. Mrs. Hilfiger also known as Dee Ocleppo showed us her gorgeous bag collection there. Besides bags, I could not resist having a look at their nest right in the heart of the city, how could!? To end my day I just got back from a Kenneth Cole dinner and a party which was hosted by no one else but the legend Bon Jovi. Music, Fashion and fantastic food at Mercer Kitchen, all rounded up my first day of New York fashion week and gave it a good vibe that I am hoping is going to be the same for the rest of the week. Hope you like this look, make sure to let me know how would you wear pieces from my outfit!

Dobro jutro dragi moji! Prvi dan nedelje mode u Njujorku je iza nas, a ja moram reci da sam se odlicno zabavila. Nakon prve revije sezone- BCBG Maxazria spektakla uzivala sam gledajuci Honor reviju. Moji omiljeni komadi sa revija su ispod slika autfita, ali sam vam takodje prenela malo atmosfere i uzivo putem instagrama. Srecom nije toliko hladno kao sto sam mislila da ce biti, ili ce tek postati hladno, nisam sigurna. Za prvi dan aktivnosti sam ipak izabrala ovu crvenu Valentino suknju sa Outnet sajta kojoj sam dodavala komad po komad dok nisam dosla do kombinacije koja je osnovana na mesanju printova. Kada sam zavrsila slikanje kombinacije uputila sam se u jedan od najneverovatnijih privatnih apartmana u Plaza hotelu. Tamo mi je licno gospodja Hilfiger koja je javnosti poznata kao Dee Ocleppo pokazala svoju novu kolekciju torbi. Osim torbi nisam mogla da odolim a da ne pogledam njihovo porodicno gnezdo koje ima pogled na cuveni Central Park i Petu Aveniju. Kraj dana sam provela u sjajnom drustvu na privatnoj zabavi koju je organizovao dizajner Kenneth Cole, a na kojoj je domacin bio niko drugi nego legenda Bon Jovi. Muzika, moda i sjajna hrana restorana Mercer Kitchen zaokruzili su moj prvi dan nedelje mode u Njujorku i dali mu posebnu notu koja ce se, nadam se, provlaciti celog meseca. Kako vam se dopada sta sam obukla? Da li biste vi ovo drugacije kombinovali?










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Laid back bohemian cool was everywhere at m first show of the season. There was just so much I wanted to wear right now. Over the knee boots, with incredible heel details, and heavy structured oversized coats with a lot of different textures. The outerwear was my absolute favourite and something I think will be hard to top. Even though there was a lot of layering, patchwork and tassels all the looks were very clean and had a cool girl vibe. No matter where you live this collection will have a huge appeal to every IT girl around the globe, looking forward to seeing it more.

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Attending this show meant going to the enchanted forest. Besides the venue that literally resembled a forest, and a mushroom covered tree that models were emerging from, whole collection had a fairy like vibe, very soft and feminine. My favourite part was when structured dresses with incredible prints started appearing, a lot of statement, and a colour game with tights. Giovanna Randall really hit the spot with floor length gowns that were organza embellished and made all the models look very dainty yet extremely stylish.

I wore:


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