Last day in London ended in such a delightful way. I saw one of my favourite designers’ show, and in case you are wondering I am talking about Michael Van Der Ham (remember outfit by him I wore last LFW? Check it out HERE). So to make the transition between London and Milan more comfortable I decided to wear flats with statement details. London was such a great adventure this time, but I was really excited to take on Milan not even knowing how amazing its going to be. Let me know what you think about this look inspired by crazy way of living in London, and get ready to see Milan looks! Love you all
Poslednji dan u Londonu je divno prosao. Izmedju ostalog sam gledala i reviju mog omiljenog dizajnera a ako se pitate ko je u pitanju, govorim o Michael Van Der Ham-u (secate se kombinacije koju sam nosila proslog LFW, kliknite OVDE da ga vidite). Da bih tranziciju izmedju Londona i Milana izvela na najudobniji moguci nacin nosila sam ravne cizme, a cela kombinacija je bila inspirisana nacinom zivota u Londonu. Recite mi kako vam se cini? A sada se pripremite za nesto jos zanimljivije, jer je Milano na redu! Volim vas sve
photo by Toni Tran
I wore: