One trend I will definitely embracing this season is the 70’s trend. It is for sure one of top 5 trends to be seen this summer, but I wanted to start inspiring you in advance so that you are all ready for it :) One of the most important decades in the history of fashion is where the bell bottoms and mini skirts started, and where the androgynous hippie style continued from 60’s. As you could see on my instagram, I am obsessed with good flares lately, and think that this type of jeans is so flattering and stylish. Of course it doesn’t mean that I say goodbye to my beloved boyfriend jeans, skinnies, and rips but variety is important, right? What do you think about this fabulous fashion decade? Its certainly not coming back the way our parents wore it with those haircuts and men flares,but in a new cool version- thats why I give thumbs up to 70’s.
Jedan trend koji cu svakako prihvatiti ove sezone je moda 70ih. Ovo je svakako jedan od 5 trendova koje sam mogla videti na svim revijama za ovo prolece i leto i zato sam htela da vas inspirisem na vreme, pocevsi od zimskih kombinacija :) Jedna od najbitnijih decenija u istoriji mode, gde su zvoncare i mini suknje pocele, a gde se stil anrogenog hipija nastavio iz 60ih. Kao sto ste mogli videti na mom instagramu, opsednuta sam dobrim zvoncarama, a mislim da je ovaj tip farmerica zaista lak za kombinovanje i odlicno istice figuru. Naravno, to ne znaci da cu se pozdraviti sa svojim skinny, boyfriend i pocepanim farmericama, ali makar imamo jos vise izbora. Sta mislite vi o ovoj cuvenoj modnoj deceniji? U svakom slucaju nece se vratiti u onom strasnom fazonu koji su nasi roditelji furali, haha, sa muskim zvoncarama i smesnim frizurama, vec u novoj cool verziji-zato ja kazem palcevi ka gore za 70-e.
I wore: