Another Monday-another story. After last weeks post about growing your blog, many of you wanted me to share what I think is important in order to grow your instagram accounts, and to share what apps or tricks I use to make my photos look pretty.
I know that not all of you have blogs, or social media networks. I also know that not all of you are interested in blogging topics, however there is only one of me, and so many of you, so I am going to write about topics that are most requested and that I feel strong about.
If you are not following Glam&Glitter on instagram, make sure to change that now by clicking HERE. I think that instagram is a matter of personal aesthetics, there are people who like to post monochrome photos, people who like to post very colourful ones, then people who use frames, collages, reflections, effect and people who post only selfies, we all know them, right? :)
Its very important to stick to your aesthetics, as long as you are following simple few advices you can be sure to get wider audience and more likes per your photos.
1.Many people think you can only have pretty photos if you take them with a professional camera. 90% of my photos are taken with a phone, and that 10% is due to posting photos from the blog from time to time. To get a good quality photo with your phone all you need is a good lighting. Depending what your niche is and whether you shoot inside or outside, I would say that natural light is the best, but i you need to shoot inside,it would have to be white studio light. Avoid the flash, as that just created shadows. Front camera on the phone I use LG G3 also has a “beautify” option, which smooths the skin tones and make photos more beautiful.
2.Angle is everything. When shooting your food photos or details, make sure to get the right angle. My friend Noor and I often create such a fun environment in restaurants when we shoot our food photos. Recently we didn’t let anyone eat in Laduree the food that arrived until we got that right shoot.For this type of photos I suggest taking photos from above.
3.My favourite apps for making photos pretty are: Afterlight, VSCOcam, Camera +, Reflection and there are many more, but those are the ones I use. I love the various filters and possibilities to make your photo sharper, more contrasted, saturated or to decrease the shadows.
1.Geo tagging can help reach wider audience. If you are at a fashion week,in a cafe, event,restaurant or museum use a geo tag to tell people where you are,this will help other users find you and when I say other users, its usually the ones with same interests-which is exactly what you want.
2.Hashtags can help, just don’t overdo them. When I see photos with a huge amount of hashtags it just doesn’t look appealing. Use the relevant ones, which describe whats in the photo and that would definitely give you more engagement.
3.Dont spam with photos! I think that this is more “how not to lose followers” but lets place it under this category. Posting 10-20 photos per day annoys people, specially if they are all more less the same and not innovative in any way. Minimum of 2 and maximum of 8 photos would be a norm, meaning that you post 2 photos on a boring day and 8 on a fabulous one where you have so much to share :) Also don’t spam with advertorial comments, which are just not cool, making instagram friends is way better than just posting a link or a comment that says “Follow me”. Leave meaningful comments which are clever and interesting and you are very likely to quickly increase your followership.
4.Build a community-meaning that you should respect your readers, read their comments, reply to them. Sometimes its impossible or me to reply and thank for every comment, but I trully DO read them and feel extremely grateful for your support on instagram. I often memorise most active followers, and check outlier accounts, which results in later liking their photos back,or commenting on their profiles. I do this always when I have some spare time, and its amazing how much my followers appreciate it. Make sure to remind them that they are important to you, and to read what they have to say.
5.Dont post while your followers are asleep. This might seem logical, but I still see people do it and even I do it sometimes, but that is purely because now I have followers from most of the time zones.I think its important post in a time frame of 11am-9pm if your followers come from your time zone mainly,otherwise your amazing photo will go unnoticed and engagement would significantly drop.This is not good because the more people like your photo, the more chance you have of getting more followers.
6.Connect your instagram account to your Facebook and twitter accounts, this helps, because your friends or followers from Facebook can find you on instagram even if they didn’t know you had an account. Its also great because being social always helps on these channels, thats why they are called social media accounts.
I hope you found this text helpful, I tried to answer most of your questions and to give you my views on this. Remember quality over quantity in any situation or aspect of life. Trust me-with that you can never go wrong.
Novi ponedeljak-nova prica. Nakon prosle nedelje i posta o razvijanju bloga, mnogi su zeleli da pisem o instagramu i kako razviti svoje profile na ovoj, trenutno veoma popularnoj, drustvenoj mrezi.
Znam da niste svi vi zaludjeni blogovanjem i drustvenim mrezama, takodje znam da niste svi zainteresovani za savete oko blogovanja, ali ja sam samo jedna a vas je mnogo, zato se trudim da pisem o temama i stvarima o kojim me najvise pitate. Ali svakako da ce biti tu uvek vise zivotnih tema i licnih iskustava.
Ako ne pratite Glam&Glitter na drustvenim mrezama, brzo to promenite klikom OVDE. Mislim da je instagram stvar licne estetike i postoje ljudi koji iskljucivo postavljaju crno-bele slike, ljudi koji stavljaju sarene, a onda i oni koji koriste razne okvire, kolaze, odraze, efekte pa i ljudi koji samo postavljaju selfije-svi znamo barem jednu takvu osobu, zar ne? :)
Jako je bitno da se drzite svoje estetike i senzibiliteta, a dok pratite neke od mojih saveta ispod sigurno cete i dostici mnogo siru publiku, te dobiti vise lajkova za svoje slike.
1.Mnogi smatraju da se lepe slike mogu dobiti samo pomocu profesionalnog aparata. 90% mojih fotografija slikano je telefonom a ostalih 10% je iskljucivo zato sto neke slike podelim sa bloga. Da biste ugrabili dobru fotografiju bilo kojim telefonom sve sto vam je potrebno jeste dobro svetlo. Zavisi od vase specijalnosti, da li vecinom slikate napolju ili unutra, ali ako ne mozete da dodjete do dnevnog svetla, koje je zaista najbolje, onda vam je potrebno profesionalno belo svetlo. Izbegavajte blic, jer pravi senke.
Prednja kamera na mom starom telefonu LG G3 takodje ima i opciju “ulepsavanja” koja izjednaci boje i ulepsava izgled koze lica.
2. Ugao je bitniji nego sto mislite. Kada slikate hranu ili detalje, morate probati nekoliko puta dok ne nadjete pravi ugao. Moja drugarica Noor i ja cesto napravimo predstavu u restoranu dok ne napravimo pravu sliku. Pre par nedelja smo u Laduree kafeu drzali hranu 10 minuta bez da iko sme da je dodirne dok nismo napravile prave slike. Sva sreca da nasi gladni drugari imaju razumevanja za ovo cime se bavimo i za ljubav prema fotografiji. Za ovaj tip slika preporucujem slikanje od gore.
3.Moje omiljene aplikacije za ulepsavanje slika su: Afterlight, VSCOcam, Camera+, Reflection. Ima ih jos, ali ovo su one koje ja koristim. Obozavam da koristim razlicite filtere i mogucnost da ucinim slike ostrijim, zasicenijim, te da smanjim senke.
1.Ukoliko ste na javnom mestu, geo tagging ce vam pomoci da dostignete siru populaciju. Na nedeljama mode, u kaficu, restoranu, muzeju, bilo gde, koristite geo tag da bi vas i drugi korisnici sa istim interesovanjima pronasli.
2.Hashtagovi pomazu ali samo u normalnim kolicinama. Kada vidim sliku sa ogromnom kolicinom tagova jednostavno me ne privlaci, pogotovo ako tagovi nemaju nikakve veze sa onim sto je na slici. Koristite one koji opisuju sliku i definitivno cete imati znacajnije komentare i lajkove.
3.Nemojte da spamujete tudje instagrame gomilom slika. Ovo nije kako dobiti pratioce, ovo je savet kako ih ne izgubiti. Ljudi koji postave 10-20 slika u par sati znacajno izgube pratioce, jr im blokirate ceo feed. Pogotovo ako te slike manje vise izgledaju isto i nisu inovativne. Minimum 2 i maximum 8 slika treba da se nadje dnevno navasem profilu. Kazem 2 minimum, u slucaju dosadnog dana (svi ih imamo), ili 8 kada raditenesto mnogozanimljivo. Takodje nemojte spamovati komentarima poput “pratite me novi smo” itd, jer necete dobiti follow, vec u najgorem slucaju osoba moze da se naljuti na vas. Ostavite komentare koji su smisleni, zanimljivi i na taj nacin cete sigurno dobiti mnogo vise pratioca.
4.Izgradite svoju malu zajednicu na instagramu, postujte svoje pratioce, procitajte njihove komentare, odgovorite im. Ponekad je skoro nemoguce odgovoriti na sve komentare, ali licno ja ih SVE citam i osecamse jako zahvalno za svaki lajk i komentar na instagramu. Svoje najaktivnije pratioce zapamtim i uvek posetim njihove profile, lajkujem im slike, komentarisem i na taj nacin sklapam neka nova instagram prijateljstva. Ne zaboravite da se zahvalite svojim pratiocima i da ih podsetite koliko su vam bitni.
5.Ne postavljajte slike dok svi spavaju. Ovo mozda zvuci logicno, ali ipak neki ljudi i dalje postuju po noci,iako imaju pratioce samo u jednoj vremenskoj zoni. Ukoliko jos uvek gradite zajednicu na instagramu, predlazem da se drzite okvira od 11 ujutru do 21h. Ovo je iskljucivo jer vasi citatelji nece videti tu prelepu sliku po noci, te ce ona proci neprimeceno.
6.Spojite svoj instagram nalog sa Facebook i twitter nalozima, ovo pomaze jer na taj nacin vasi prijatelji mogu naci vas profil na instagramu. Takodje smatram da je drustvenost na instagramu veoma bitna, zato se i zove drustvena mreza.
Nadam se da vam je ovaj tekst pomogao, pokusala sam da odgovorim na vecinu vasih pitanja i da vam kazem moja misljenja. Ne zaboravite da je kvalitet uvek bitniji od kvantiteta sa tom filozofijom nikada necete pogresiti.