Give the girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world. Picking the style that suits you, that is right heel size, comfortable and in colours you desire used to be hard, but not anymore. I had a great pleasure to customise my own pair of Ferragamo Varina Shoes, which is what I am presenting to you today. If you regularly read my blog, you know I love anything customised and made to order, but when I saw that this was an option with one of my favourite shoe designers (and not only mine, but of many Hollywood icons too), I had to do it. I came up with these gorgeous Varina flats that are epitome of femininity and classiness, which is why I couldn’t wait longer but had to wear them with the first rays of sun. Until the end of this month you can also customise and order your own Ferragamo shoes, and if you never owned a pair before, trust me, your feet really deserve this amazing treat. Choose between different colour of the shoe, bow or buckle, between Vara and Varina, which means different heel sizes. Go on the site and tell me which would be your perfect colour combination, I am really curious to hear how would you design them. Now bring on the spring as I don’t want to remove them of my feet!
Dajte devojci prave cipele i ona ce osvojiti svet. U danasnje vreme nije uvek lako naci cipelu koja vam odgovara u svakom pogledu, velicina stikle, udobnost, boja i oblik variraju, tako da je tesko da cipela ispunjava sve uslove, ali i tu ima izuzetaka. Jasam imala veliku cast da saradjujem sa poznatom modnom kucom Ferragamo i dizajnirala svoje Ferragamo Varina cipele koje vam prezentujem danas. Ako redovno citate moj blog, znate da obozavam bilo sta personalizovano, a kada sam videla da je ovo moguce i kod jednog od mojih omiljenih dizajnera obuce (ne samo mog ali i jednog od omiljenih mnogih Holivudskih zvezda), morala sam da se ukljucim. Dizajnirala sam ove jednostavne ali prelepe Varina baletanke koje su sinonim zenstvenosti i sofisticiranosti, zbog cega nisam mogla da docekam da ih sa prvim zracima sunca izvadim iz kutije. Do kraja ovog meseca mozete i vi personalizovati svoje Ferragamo cipele, a ako nikada niste posedovali par, verujte mi, vasa stopala to zasluzuju. Izaberite boju, masnu, snalu, velicinu stikle, dakle da li je u pitanju Vara ili Varina. Otidjite na sajt i recite mi koje biste boje vi izabrali, jako me zanima. Sada neka prolece pozuri, jer ja ne zelim da ih izujem!
I wore: